Why Are Soda Names Restricted?

I generally would not post, but this level of misinformation and misunderstanding has been frustrating to watch. One person in your sockpuppet thread even mentioned separate emails and VPN’s, etc… as if I wouldn’t have checked for that.

When I say there is no link between the main T posts that I have been looking at, I mean there are no links. Play history on the account is consistent with an individual player in their specific location.

There is only one person out of all of the T’s that I found that had posted on alternate accounts, but that was because they had account privileges suspended.

I should note, this is only for posting, I am not referring to post likes.

I checked a number of your posts and didn’t find the like, so if you have a sample, feel free to link the post here. I’ll take a look.


I have a list of characters that appear to be under the same account by looking at the collections tab. I counted six characters so far that have the same achievements and collections pages, liking posts of mine that have absolutely no connection to each other, which tells me they went to my account page and went down a list of posts. Here are some of the posts with likes from those characters:

Alt 1

Alt 2

Alt 3

Alt 4

Alt 5

Alt 6

Update: Found another one (Alt 7)

Person that liked the post has same achievements and same collections as usual.

It’s easy to see which ones are doing it as they seem to either have 12440 or 12555 achievements points. And these are just the posts that I made. There are some posts from one or two of the “T” characters that were mass liked by these same alts. Sorry about all this nonsense. It was mildly amusing before but now it is just weird and a lot of people in General Discussion are tired of this.