Why are so many people mad about Survival Hunter... its the best performing spec in the game right now

ty for the compliment but I am only one man

We are all equals here


was small “g” for a reason…

Good then don’t tell people how to use the forums or what to ask for…

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Isnt what what you just did

Got em

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Ranged SV is one of the most requested items on the forums. Obviously some of us spend a lot more time on the forums than others, but if you look around the general WoW discussion space you’ll see ranged SV come up a lot. It certainly comes up a whole lot more than requests for a melee Hunter did before Legion. I think it’s still very unlikely to ever see ranged SV again but that’s no reason to not ask for it or at least a favourable compromise.


I do hope you guys get to see some throwbacks to old playstyles with the new talent system within Marksmanship

Definitely no 4th spec or removal of melee SV though

Hmm who did it first… looks up… (seems you can’t take you’re own medicine, silly me for not realizing your much weaker than the ones you keep crying about. )

Your first insightful post.

Being that most people played it much longer than 6 year not sure what your point is.

Everyone goes through this at some point.

  1. Some mages want old school Combust back from Wrath, Cata so forth.
  2. Some locks want Meta back
  3. Some shamans want 2H enhance to return.
  4. Some dk’s want old school unholy to come back.

Everyone is missing something that has changed, and we get that people have feelings about that, that isn’t an issue.

This i’m not 100% about, I see anger on both sides for different reasons. Seems like more threads get derailed by “Bring back RSV” more so than SV players talking about the reverse. Until someone derails the tread that is.

Obviously this is subjective.

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Hmm first smart-arsed comment in the thread that didn’t try to answer the OP question…

ya who took it off topic right away, did Bepples first post in the thread look like the one above, or more look like he was trying to honestly answer the questions?


It lets me accumulate melee weapon mogs without being melee. Love it.

For someone who thinks that we’re just wasting our time, you sure spend a lot of time here complaining about us who are talking about RSV.


No spec has been flat out REMOVED and redesigned into the plate spinning mess it became in legion, then desperately redesigned over and over because it’s wildly unpopular.

Fire mages still exist and do pretty much the same thing as the beginning of time.

Same with enhancement shamans and unholy dks.

Demo locks were done dirty so they could bring in demon hunters so I’ll give half a point for that one, but they’re still ranged.

Obviously spec redesigns happen, but survival is unique in that it was entirely replaced AND became melee.

The major difference most people seem to not notice is that RSV people are mad at BLIZZARD and want something that already existed BACK.

MSV hate the PLAYERS who dare to mention anything related to RSV in a positive light even when it’s related to the topic like the OP, who went out of her way to make a post specifically to antagonize RSV people.

And the last point is fact, anti bepples posters have a serious hatred for the dude and its disturbing.


You should read the OP again

I’m not complaining I’m trying to help you out.

You guys won’t get anything done derailing Survival threads. You aren’t approaching the situation in a constructive way and by now it’s too late anyway. It’s time to move on.

Did there are some that believe that, which is even more funny on how much it’s “not” played even got a nice, all be it small AOE nerf.

still not any excuse to also not try and answer the topic seriously and not just try and stir the pot which all you seem to want to do.

This would be the people complaining about a spec in a video game from 6 years ago

you might want to check the needle on your record player I think it’s broken. *I think we have your opinion on when we should stop asking for stuff and it’s been noted (hint it’s not working). *we all should start a drinking game every time you say “6 years”

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Can you really blame them? By essentially erasing a popular spec in favour of a tiny group of outspoken melee hunter fans on the forums, Blizzard set a precedent that they can and will fundamentally chop and change a class if enough people on the forums shout loudly enough for long enough. If you’re going to be mad at anyone for the deluge of anti-MSV posts, be mad at Blizzard themselves.


Yes you can

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The most constructive criticism one can possibly give for SV is an argument to make it ranged again.


You are a baby. You dont know the history.

On me, I started WoW as Warrior way back in Vanilla… a melee spec. I played this melee Class until the end of The Burning Crusade.

On Wrath, I decided to retire my Warrior and replaced it with a DK… a melee spec. Also, I made an alt, and I want to try Range. I picked the Hunter Class and I was having fun. This alt became more powerful than my main DK and this Hunter was switching between 2 specs: MM for Single Targets and Survival for AoE.

After Wrath, I became Casual and was on and off. I was just playing around and I made Hunter as my Main. From Cata to Draenor, I was mostly Hunter becoz I prefer Range and I kinda retired my melee toons. I even made another Hunter… playing 2 Hunters as I love the Class especially becoz of it’s Range DPS nature.

Then somewhere in Legion, I decided that I want to play more WoW. When I started replaying my Hunter to check which specs I would choose for them, I was shocked when they made Survival specs as melee. WT? F? I immediately rushed to the forums: “Who the F hell asked Blizz that we need a melee Hunter?”. It was the most stupid thing that ever happened to WoW. There’s tons of melee Classes out there and they made one of my Hunter specs a melee spec? If I want to play melee, I have way more powerful Melee toons… and those melee toons CAN TANK. All the playstyle I did with Hunters before Legion was avoid melee contact, CC and kitemy enemies forever while I kill them in Range. And this stupid new melee Survival wants to go toe-to-toe in melee?

Up to now, I still hate the melee Hunter. Even if they are top 1 on DPS, they are garbage to me. Again, if I would like to play a melee Class, I would rather play other melee specs not the Garbage Survival. Look at it right now, yeah Survival is performing well on DPS but nobody plays them. ROFL.