Survival really need to be the AoE and DoTs focused spec. Serpent spread should be baked in, pets should have had Bloodseeker as a talent, and WildFire Bomb could had been added.
Explosive Shot should have hit every target around you. WildFire infusion could had interaction with Serpent, Explosive, and Black Arrow.
It still would be about blowing everything up, but at a safe distance.
Survival was ranged and lots of people played it and loved it. It was nothing like MM, and anyone who claims this is either being purposefully ignorant for the sake of defending MSV or they heard one person say it and they repeat it like an aging parrot.
The anger comes from it being taken, a playstyle totally deleted from the game and now years later the MSV niche crowd spit on anyone who brings up RSV, the opposing sides have only gotten more toxic with one another as time has gone on.
Also anti Bepples posters are far more annoying and off topic to a discussion than anything he’s ever posted.
Umm ya getting ready for LK… durp… (just re-subbed Friday) and posting to keep their grubby Dev’s idea out of LK, if they do mess it up I’ll unsub again. (don’t even own the SL expansion.)
Ion Hazzikostas:
"That’s a good question. I think part of what led Survival to a melee space to begin with was trying to differentiate Survival from Marksmanship. The rotations over the years had become very very similar — OK you might have a couple more magical-seeming shots in the Survival space."
It’s not impossible he couldn’t see the difference. But then, MSV and BM, to him they must seem identical.
It was an excuse, what they were really after was a simplification of the Hunter Class.
And mission accomplished, no Huntards anymore.
Really, we CAN blame Blizzard, it’s their game to change.
“The rotations over the years had become very very similar” is just objectively wrong. It’s not even a matter of opinion. In Classic and BC all Hunters had exactly the same rotations. No, not “sort of the same if you ignore x and y of one spec and equivocate z”. Literally the same abilities and the same priorities. There were very few spec-unique active abilities and all of those were utility. Starting in WotLK they got their own abilities and they only diverged from then on. By WoD they were different specs through and through.
Trying to equate SV and MM is also a sign of inexperience. In WoD SV played far more similarly to BM than MM. The reason you see so much focus on MM and SV is because people who don’t know much about the class focus on the immediately obvious thematic factors; people knew that BM focused on the pet without having to know how the spec played and what it’s toolkit looked like. But since MM and SV both didn’t depend much on the pet knowing the difference required knowing the toolkits, and most of the “MM and SV were the same” crowd didn’t know anything about the specs beyond “they both use a ranged weapon” so to them they were interchangeable.
Well seems most the player base did, seems you and ole Ion are wrong a lot. Game is a product and he (and you) seem to pick the things most people dislike… *you seems have that in common with him it seems, that and being wrong.
There was a lot more playing Ranged SV just about it’s entire life span, so I’d say as a product it’s a failure. *hell more thread started trying to “sell” it than whining about it, this one was a question on why people are mad about it, and people answering, seems your the one that had to whine you didn’t like the answers or about the people that were answering.