And one could genuinely care what Bepples has to say.
You guys seem really upset about expressions of why people dislike survival in a thread whose very purpose was to ask why people dislike survival.
I think it was more to point out how ridiculous the complaints are tbh
Honestly I’m mad with survival because it’s doing great with Borrowed Power, who knows what it will look like that gone and a Hard AoE cap on bombs
This should be the topic that most SV players are talking about. When Blizzard has Legendaries turn-off in 10.0 what will SV dps look like?
How bad will it drop or will SV be even playable for higher keys or raiding?
Survival is good in 3s and rbg? I don’t know about that.
I’ve been playing SV hunter since WoD prepatch. Let me have my fun once without being kicked out of groups
Traveler’s Light I leave this place for 2 years and ya’ll’re still complaining.
Whatevs. I’m lookin’ to get back to Jon Snowing.
You know nothing, Jon Snow.
I feel like BM should be the melee spec and Survival should be ranged.
Ez fix, rename the spec from survival to dragoon!
Then we would just have threads about how people loved BM and how it’s gone. Doesn’t solve the problem.
No hunter spec should’ve been reworked to melee.
its the year of the spear
sorry bow peeps
I see the merit to this argument but I personally disagree with it.
For me if it was this way, SV and MM would go back to the same issue they had in the first place - being too similar.
I like BM sharing ranged with MM because BM still feels completely different sending those 2 big pets in. This allows SV to take the melee spot.
I was thinking about this as well! I suspect some of the borrowed power will be baked in, like it was previously. It will be a shame to lose the set bonuses if not, though.
The set bonus will help, but SV will not be the power house it is now with out the legendary effects.
It may just drop to the middle of the graphs, which would be fine.
Year of spamming wildfirebomb and topping the charts because its uncapped you mean.
You dont use your spear pretty much.
Michael Bay brings you:
The Survival Hunter
“It will be Explosive”
This was just never a real issue in the first place. In fact in WoD SV played more similarly to BM so it was literally just entirely “two specs use a ranged weapon and don’t depend on a pet much”. Could you get any more generalistic? You could do the same thing for the warrior DPS specs, the Rogue specs, the Warlock specs, etc…