the issue is that theyre dead in the water without lego/4pc
Currently there are a lot of classes that are doing a ton of damage cause of set bonuses, Enhancement shammy, DH are just a couple that come to mind, without it they would even be close to the top of the charts. I am not a fan of borrowed power like this. Leggos and Teir should enhance the class not become such a major reason for it to be top of the meter and spells from tier/leggos should be 25-30% of the class damage profile. Hopefully things get evened out in DF with all the new stuff.
As someone said in another topic I just don’t understand why they had to change a hunter spec to melee when DH was released the same patach and is missing a spec lol…
And when they get in real trouble and lawyers get involved, their lawyers defend it as, “no reasonable person could have reasonably misunderstood these statements as claims of fact”.
They literally already have everything they need to make SV work as either ranged or melee, in the existing toolkit, with 5 exceptions:
- SV Kill Shot requires melee weapons.
- SV has Wing Clip and Muzzle instead of Concussive Shot and Counter Shot.
- SV has Carve instead of Multi-Shot.
- SV has a hidden -50% debuff to Auto Shot.
- A number of talents and spell interactions only work with Raptor Strike/Carve.
If you made the talents and procs work with Arcane Shot/Multi-Shot in addition to Raptor Strike/Carve, had SV learn Concussive Shot and Counter Shot in addition to Wing Clip and Muzzle (with shared CDs), made Kill Shot work with ranged weapons for SV, and removed the Auto Shot debuff, you could play SV as a ranged DPS in any content at a competitive level, right now.
Hunter would then be immediately nerfed across the board, because people would rage about a highly mobile RDPS being in the top 3 DPS given current balancing.
Except for the two expansions where Hunter literally couldn’t equip melee weapons as any spec, sure.
SV was ranged focused from 1.0 through 6.2, and had zero melee capability whatsoever from 5.0 through 6.2.
If you genuinely believe SV was melee focused prior to 1.9, I challenge you to find a private server and test the damage of Lacerate vs Rank 8 Serpent Sting. Also let me know how many empty GCDs you have when you are DPSing from behind a boss and not getting any dodges or parries to proc Mongoose Bite or Counterattack. Oh wait, it’s LITERALLY ALL OF THEM because Raptor Strike was an on-next-swing ability back then, not an on-GCD instant.
Specs were invented in Cata, not MoP - you chose a spec at 10, learned a few spec-specific abilities while leveling, and you were barred from spending any talent points in any other spec tree until you had spent 31 points in the main tree.
Warriors (and Rogues, don’t forget they also had ranged weapons up through Cata) never had Auto Shot, they had to manually Shoot or Throw every time.
To be fair, that was due to tuning and encounter design favoring SV over MM or BM. BM was (and remains, but the AI and pathing are better) reliant on the pet to do anything, and MM wanted to use Aimed Shot as much as possible for max damage but was pushed to Arcane Shot due to heavy movement. Aspect of the Fox covered only Steady Shot and Cobra Shot, and Aimed Shot didn’t get mobile casting until 5.0 (via glyph), and 5.3 (no glyph needed).
Technically it had more melee capability in 5.0 than before it because it could use its fully-capable ranged toolkit in melee range whereas before it had to use its weaker melee toolkit
The defense they come up with for this is that SV before 1.7 was intended to be a fully melee spec but they just tuned it badly.
This is still a very dubious argument given the class was so heavily themed and designed around ranged weapons and it’s hard to imagine Blizzard intended for a spec choice to make you ignore the ranged weapon entirely, especially given the outline in the manual, but we’d have to hear from one of the developers back then to be sure.
P.S. The person you’re quoting literally used to argue that SV wasn’t melee in Vanilla before abruptly changing his mind about a year ago.
This is him from 2019.
This is him from 2021. Complete 180.
BTW he now argues that the 1st video was just a joke.
Oh, hey. Nice to see you again! Welcome back.
damn you deadass just took things too literal. They could always literal but I never said play one like a Arms warrior. Chill out
You have zero credibility on this issue dude.
Personally, I’m happy about Survival.
That doesn’t negate the disappointment Surv Hunters had who enjoyed the spec as is though.
I felt the same way when Demonology Warlock was changed, wasn’t quite as drastic, but that’s how I feel I’m able to relate.
People put time into playing a spec, only for it to be changed can be annoying.
Always said they were jokes never said otherwise you can stop trying to play stupid now its kinda old now. Also one was classic other was retail not that it matters ya know. This is just stupid
Come on now.
It’s okay to change your opinion if you want, but you aren’t going to successfully gaslight people.
Yeah im not gas lighting anyone. I never changed my opinion as the videos I made were for my friends as a joke since its known im not fond of MM. I made videos making fun of it and Bepples while knowing this refuses to back down on it as he actually believed it for idfk like 6 months despite me repeating it a million times they were never meant to be taken serious. There is a reason why on this channel I dont upload anymore why I never gave examples on target dummys, boss runs, pvp etc. It was a joke. I dont care if anyone believes me as it doesnt honestly matter. They were not made for you. I have been upfront about them not being meant to be serious since day one, but people are so stupid and refuse to listen because they want to be brain dead I guess. Thats really their problem. As for my real opinion on old school sv, I do believe it was centered around being able to stay alive in close combat incase a player or mob got passed your ranged attacks. Not saying its meant to be played as melee (since I am well aware how stupid people are in the hunter forums for whatever reason, and seems to only be the hunter forums so I guess Huntards are real) but It was capable of doing some melee. Hell if you did spell power it was entirly possible to be a spell melee hutner using the SV tree. But for anything else im not going to continue this stupid debate. Its just annoying at this point. I honestly have no idea why the hunter forums are so full of moronic people who do nothing but complain cry whine and pick fights off specs they have no experience with. But its just pathetic as I know most of everyone here are in their 30s if not older.
Dude, I’ve watched the video. You are a bad liar.
If you like current MSV, that’s fine, like whatever you want. Stop with the revisionist history though, SV was never a melee spec until Legion, it was a ranged spec that had CC tools to punish melee attackers and get back to range.
And WTF is this “spell Hunter” BS? Spellpower impacted Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot, Immolation Trap, and Explosive Trap, and that’s it. Serpent Sting was barely used, as it was one of the worst DoTs in the game back then, ditto for Immolation Trap. Explosive Trap was pathetic in terms of damage. Arcane Shot wasn’t used because it shared a cooldown with Aimed Shot. None of those abilities could be used in melee range (because traps couldn’t be used in combat without a feign to break combat and reset, and if you did that, it was to drop a Frost Trap or Freezing Trap and get back to range).
Im so glad you watched my meme videos. Fun fact im pretty sure the channel description says its a meme account too but whatever. Once again it was made in jest. If you cant understand that when im actively telling you this idk what to do for you. Again there is a reason why I never showed off what I was talking about in the videos, because I was trolling in them but again its whatever.
its like you dont listen lmfao
a joke. obviously.
It didnt effect traps at all btw but okay.
stacking spell power made it pretty good for pvp actually as it ticked for about half a players health pool non plate.
Yea we all know how hunters played back then, but if you did a spell hunter you didnt use aimed shot. Arcane shot was a super nuke especially in pvp. You obviously know nothing about a meme build but sit here and try to tell me how it works? Like man, just sit down.
might wanna do some research on what were even talking about before posting my dude.
I mean, you are the one who claimed to be a “spell melee hutner”, but OK.
I never once claimed to be a melee spell hunter. You seem to be unable to pay attention which seems to be a recurring thing here. I have said before there are videos about it online. I did make a spell hunter build (not melee) as a joke video. Again, do some research or actually pay attention before posting. This is just getting stupid.
The little box with a statement in it, the one with your name on the top? That’s a quote. That means you did in fact talk about melee spell hunter.
If you misspoke, that’s fine, you can admit you misspoke. Trying to convince me I can’t pay attention because I read the words you posted and responded to them is not a good look for you.
Yeah I said you could do melee spell hunter, thats something I never did once even for a video. I did however do a spell hunter build for a video. Its not the same thing which is why I said try and pay attention as I never once claimed I did melee spell hunter.
I havent but sure
You obviously skimmed them seeing how I post and its not even 2 seconds you immediately start a response. Your not reading much less paying attention. Im not being a d*ck here but your kinda giving me a headache now.
Don’t bother with him, honestly. He frequently goes back and forth over the line, changing his arguments as to fit his narrative/goal. Every chance he gets he keeps telling people to just play MM because it’s the same as how RSV used to play. At other times, he loves to deflect, saying “he can’t possibly understand why people are the way they are on these forums”. That we’re all idiots, etc. etc. (By we, I mean anyone who happens to disagree with him, and who says as much)
As for his youtube channel, it’s also a bit funny as per the description, and how it was changed at the same time as he changed the name of the channel.
Anyway, again, don’t waste your time with him. In his own words, he loves to troll people who speak favorably of RSV. A little while ago he changed this again to now being only about me, Bepples, and a few others, then just me and Bepples, and so on. But considering he replies with the same one-liners to others as well…