Why are so many people mad about Survival Hunter... its the best performing spec in the game right now

Which of your videos are you arguing about? I seen many your videos and they didn’t even come off as satirical humor. They were more about information on how to play classic Survival and why you chose SV. You explained the rotation as being range, but could use melee when needed. They explained the talent tree and abilities.

Is there another video that Bepples is saying was informative but was made with the intention for humor?

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None of them are meant to be taken seriously. It was a meme channel. I had no idea how to play classic as I never played vanilla. I made videos just talking about nonsense or making fun of MM. Or when I said spell hunter was viable. or when I was acting like I liked asmongold. The problem is Bepples for instance doesnt know me or my humor. I mainly made fun of things my friends memed on and he never understood that despite me telling him since day one its not meant to be taken seriously. Iv told him context matters. Nothing I ever made on that channel was informative. I never claimed it was. I have another channel were I just twink raid with all of my friends and upload the clips there but other than that You should never believe anything I said in those videos as It was just a joke. Honestly its annoying to keep saying that which is why I moved on from it.

I think they are perfectly fine and have some variable information. I would just accept that other players are taking your thoughts with inspiration.

Apparently going through the Hunter melee toolkit ability-by-ability and showing there were only a couple situational damage abilities and a couple abilities to help you get back out to ranged and using that to show that SV wasn’t a melee spec is just “dry humour” and hilarious satire XD

For reference, here’s what an actual satirical SV Hunter video looks like:

Note that people actually found this one to be funny.

P.S. The video where Toxiktraktor says that SV was always meant to be a melee spec and that ranged SV was the same as MM, i.e. a 180 degree flip from the other videos, is on the very same “satire” channel… so I guess that’s all deliberately incorrect for laughs as well?


Maybe Toxi has that dry British humor. It about the irony of SV hunters and a satire aimed at the absurdity of everyday game play of Hunters.

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And that wouldn’t work because nothing he says is outwardly absurd in those earlier videos. The worst I could find was an SV talent build that didn’t take Lightning Reflexes. We know for a fact that SV was NOT a melee spec in 1.12… so what’s the point of the video? To ridicule a factual reality and claim that SV was a pure melee spec?

And, of course, there’s the fact that evidently from the comments not a single person took it as a satirical joke video.

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Perhaps they were not funny at that time, but they have now looked at them again and see the humourism in them?

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It needs outward absurdity to be funny, like an oxymoron.

In the lrgotmilk video I linked one of the lines is “Survival gets a lot of AoE DPS from its abilities Twilight Devastation and Focusing Lens”. That’s funny because at the time SV’s AoE was lacking compared to most specs and those abilities were borrowed powers that weren’t specific to SV. It’s funny because it cynically highlights how SV was lacking and Blizzard thought they could just patch it up with borrowed power.

Going through the 4 melee abilities of classic Hunter and saying “Now Raptor Strike is only available every 6 seconds, Mongoose Bite is only available after dodging, and Counterattack and Wing Clip slow the enemy down… it’s more about getting the hell out of there than staying in melee” (paraphrasing) is just an accurate and fair description of the toolkit. What am I supposed to get from that? “How ridiculous; obviously SV was meant to stick to melee range and just press Raptor Strike every 6 seconds while ignoring the ranged weapon”? Even SV guides from the time literally say that sticking to melee range is very suboptimal and weak.

In reality what he’s doing is pretty typical; he changed his opinion on Survival after playing melee Survival in Shadowlands and he’s looking to history to try to justify melee Survival, and when caught out on earlier contradictory statements about that history he resorts to “that’s satirical”, “that was just joking” etc. Politicians do this all the time. I’d hate to make this a political discussion, but remember a certain vocal and controversial politician who was on Twitter all day pulling the “sarcasm” excuse for anything and everything including earlier statements claiming vaccines cause… neurodivergency… and that climate change is a hoax? It’s exactly the same thing; a weak and easy out from controversy and hypocrisy.


I love the idea of a pop-out bow or gun or crossbow that just uses the stats of your 2h weapon that you can set to a design you unlocked for transmog. But I kinda hope for a spell-slinging with a melee weapon more and the missing auto attacks will be one reason the SV hunter will want to try to stay in melee. But I feel like Survival needs a new or different survival kit of abilities than the other 2 or just be made back into a ranged spec again.

I see no point is making a argument that it was just a joke as Toxi was discussing classic SV, which was a range spec and designed with that in mind. SV as it is now was designed to be a melee focused spec, so SV could not be played as a range spec without major changes.

It really two different specs with only a small similarity in that they can both use a few of same melee abilities. To use that small area of similarity to argue that SV was a melee spec does not hold enough water. The designers wanted to create enough division between SV from MM that they took a small tool kit than expanded it into a whole class.

A melee Hunter was a joke idea before Legion and it was taken not as a true play-style. It was the iron man competition for Hunters as it took more time and thought to play with only melee abilities.

It was for a fun and different take on Hunters. Blizzard just took this unlikely idea and ran with it. You can not justify an idea that was made before anyone had a chance bring up an argument against it. You either just accept that it was made or hope that ranged Survival still has a chance.

It needs a kit that stands out from other melee specs. It been the argument as to what differentiates SV from a Warrior or DK? Blowing things up is just does not feel at home with a spec that about nature and surviving in the wilderness. DH has high mobility just as much as BM has it, and that were SV could have most advantage. Simply they would be able deliver damage non stop continuously.


Bepples will do anything in his power to be correct no matter how wrong he is. In the real world we call that delusional.

I admit, I wasn’t sold on it, but damn if it doesn’t do excellent damage tearing stuff up. My only real gripe is how badly they nerfed Hunter self heals. A single 2 min cooldown is annoying

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A hunter is a mix of skills I think its ok for there to be a martial and mechanical and druidic and magic aspect to it. Hunters craft traps and special arrows with poisons or enchantments. Why cant they bring more magic and nature to their melee kit and defesive kit. It can be differnt by being abit of a spell sword to hybrid the range/melee concept.

Surv is just a flavor of the month, nothing more. Before 9.2 there was about 5 people playing Surv in 20+ keys. The only reason most play it now is due to the crazy broken numbers, not because they actually like the spec. If it was middle of the pack, there would still be just 5 people playing it.

The only thing I truly enjoy about surv hunters in keys is watching them pull aggro and die even when they have MD and FD; watching them get flattened by mechanics, and laughing at their avoidable damage taken at the end of the runs.

Blizz could make Surv the only hunter spec, I would just play a different class like warrior or DK. But to each their own, play what you like, or do what 90% of current surv hunters are doing and play it just for the numbers.


I mean that’s how higher-end content works every player who cares about that stuff has the pressure of playing meta classes even if they don’t understand how it works or it isn’t a playstyle they understand or like or they’re just bad and they’re trying to be in the middle of the pack instead of the bottom of it like a noob with an elite weapon. But kudos to the 5 beasts that keep with it when it wasn’t great. It is impossible to gauge the value of the spec on how it’s received by the casual player base and that’s what matters if turns out that regular players aren’t playing the spec you think um…they would backpedal during the end of legion or start of BfA but they didn’t and if you don’t like it that fine hunter has 2 other amazing specs or 33 other specs over 11 other classes. People truly like the spec just not many in the endgame unless it’s meta so the number has swelled and I truly believe the spec is fun so if it ever falls out of meta I feel like there will be a few that will still continue playing and that 5 will be 20 at the end the day as players boost and migrate to other classes or try save money and put time into leveling alts its the same old same old.

I’ve also now grouped with several SV Hunters who don’t use Primal Rage (Bloodlust) despite having a Ferocity pet out.


The quest is are these players Hunters who switched to SV or are they players who switched from another class to play SV for the damage?


dis is my class i play ranged dis is my class

Not gonna lie I 100% agree with you. It feels like the way Blizz got people playing Surv was by buffing it time after time and creating a borken tier set that makes crazy damage with a very small learning curve so A LOT of people switched to survival.

It’s because some survival hunters don’t know how to control themselves. They go crazy, and it comes back to bite them. Having add-ons to keep track of agro is exceptionally helpful. Letting the tank do some damage for about 1-2 seconds before attacking helps.

If a Survival Hunter sets for about 1-2 seconds after the tank pulls and gains agro, all the DPS actually evens out with other classes. The Wildfire Bombs do most of the Survival Hunter’s damage. Without the bombs, Survival Hunters would have nothing to stand on. Single target fights, Survival Hunters aren’t at the top but close.