Seeing how in MoP we lost melee abilities all together it might have been less controversial to have one spec go full melee. Player might have seen it as two spec going completely range while one went in the opposite direction. At same time more hunter would be use to the idea of hunter having melee abilities.
Blizzard making the change so late had many wondering why a class that was designed as a range dps class would suddenly have a melee spec. There was a number of years between MoP and Legion that players just had forgotten about melee or many of the newest players who never even had the experience of melee would be at a loss as to why they lost a spec to melee.
It comes to the class designers that we had in MoP from to who we have now driving the design team. All three hunter specs were a blast to play because they all felt fun, fast, and mobile. Especially marksmanship hunter.
Warriors also had a fun and fast play style where you actually felt survivable in most situations. I wish I could play mop arms warrior again.
Shadow priests were the best they’d ever been in terms of fluid play style. All three warlock specs felt fresh, fun and full of life with options to cast while moving and high damage as well.
Mistweaver monks get dynamic and it was a play style all its own. Windwalker monks were also fun and complex to play with a very high speed play style at high haste levels.
Sure classes had similar abilities, but there was always flair to it. For instance shadowburn was basically execute for warlock, but what made it unique was the it cost an ember to use, had range, and if it killed, it refunded a burning ember. Which was huge. And having access to this ability opened up a lot possibility for dynamic plays to be made based on the result of the spell.
People cried homogenization, and bam, all abilities similar to execute were removed. Now warlocks have a crappy husk of what was once shadowburn. Its one dimensional and doesn’t change up our gameplay at all.
Shadowburn is only one example. There were many abilities across all classes that got gimped. And now even though similar abilities were gutted, classes feel more similar than ever. Everything is a builder/spender with one damage cool down, and basically 3 button rotations.
The classes were not homogenized just because they had similar tools. Every class had a unique rotation, visual flair, and playstyle.
Yes legion and bfa really “Looked” nice, but when you actually get down to playing the classes they all feel just about the same and that causes stagnation. It comes down to “well what color do I want my abilities to be” instead of I want to play this class because it can do these things no other class can do and it feels like it should.