Why are so many people happy that people will be upset with locked covenants?

He wants to know why some self-proclaimed “casuals” are so much more invested in hating other players than in enjoying the game themselves.

Incorrect again.

EP: June 25, 2019 - January 14, 2020. 7 Months

January 14, 2020 - Now. also 7 months.

400ish more guilds with more bosses in the same timeframe.

Edit - My mistake. Wow progress counts even the most recent kills. Thats 1081 guilds that cleared EP as of 21 hours ago. So that makes it over a year. Looks like EP wasnt very popular. Now factor in that Wow classic was released around 8.2, and Bam, we have our answer.

First, Mythic EP opened on July 16th.

Second, you need to learn how wowprogress works, because it continues to track kills until the end of the expansion.

That “1081st” guild you’re talking about killed Azshara yesterday. :rofl:

re-read above.

But I thank you for proving my point regardless.

Oh, I read it. You have no idea what you’re talking about, that’s abundantly clear.

I absolutely understand that wow classic came out around when 8.2 did, which explains why EP has far fewer clears than the other 3 raids.

So first it was “raiders aren’t quitting”.

And then when it was shown they did, it was “but classic came out”.

I can’t wait to see what’s next. Those goalposts must be dizzy from how much you’re moving them.

Smells like bait.


I mean, the Nylotha, Ghuun, and BFD kill count disagrees with you.

People are trash. Ignore them.

Im glad that they are building content that is based on a decision not on those who sole purpose of their character is maximizing their damage to the 99.9 %. I love the idea and I hope that it evolves though out the expansion.

By fifteen different people or the same three?

If it is fifteen different posters, show your work.

I’m going to pick whatever covenant I want, and I’m 4/12M rn with my guild. If you’re not in the world first race it doesn’t really matter what you pick

Exactly. :rofl: