Why are so many people disturbed by group content?

I don’t get it, why is it when people start playing WoW and have a general idea of what WoW is, they completely lose their marbles when any content may require a group - granted it can’t be instant queued into and out numbered and smoked.

Can someone from the other camp explain to me what the mind frame is here?


Mostly convenience, and not planning your life around others.


People play online games because they want to know they are better than others. They hate when they feel like they have to rely on others. It is weird but a lot of people are like this sometimes. Or they just don’t care for social interaction, that as well.


I think people play online games because they’re fun, I don’t think the primary instinct is to be better than other


Maybe, but dopamine points are a strong drug.

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I suspect that a large part of it has to do with the fact that this hobby isn’t typical of people who are able to skillfully navigate interactions with other people. Most of them are plenty smart and adaptable enough to handle it if they applied themselves to the task, but don’t want to because they prefer to be left alone.

Personally, I’m an introvert. I don’t particularly like interacting with people I don’t know, although I do occasionally get the urge to socialize for a few hours, usually about once a week. Most of the rest of the time, I’d rather just keep to myself and listen to a podcast.

Talking to people is necessary to make it through life as an adult, but it wears me down. Group content means a higher chance that I might have to communicate with others.

It’s not often, but I’ve blown off raid nights just because I don’t want to talk to anyone.


wrong genre.


What’s the difference between talking to people in a group and talking to people on this forum?


I don’t talk in raids at all ever, not once since Kara

you barely have to communicate




For me it’s a bit of social anxiety but I get over it pretty quickly so who knows shrug

I have time to measure my response and choose my words carefully here. That makes a big difference, believe it or not. It’s a lot harder to say something stupid, ignorant, or even hurtful to others when I can take as much time as I want to type something up, read it through, and reconsider any word choices or phrasing options without inconveniencing other people as a result.

Also, if you address me here and I choose not to respond to you, there’s no immediate sign that tells you I’m still around and just ignoring you unless you’re actively looking for it. If I ignore someone talking to me in a dungeon but I’m still DPSing/Tanking, they immediately know that I am choosing to ignore them.

I do if I’m directly asked a question or asked to do something – but only in a guild raid. If it’s a pug, I’ll listen, but I’m not talking.


That’s fair.


I personally love a bit of a rager in my groups from time to time

The thing I love most in overwatch is listening to people go off on each other

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Should play some league of legends, it’s rare not to have a rager

Some introverts like playing a fun online fantasy game.

Back when I ran a really big massive guild, there was this one guy out of almost 2,000 of us, he never said a word in chat, EVER. He never made a single post on the wow forums, never ever posted in trade chat. But he topped charts with his DPS. I finally began to start talking to him as a GM. He was super skilled so I made him officer.

He hated group content. Nice talented friendly. Met him over a decade ago in game. But he still hates group stuff. He will never do it unless the guild he is in now does it with him.

If my story helped to explain?


I don’t mind random grouping for BGs. As for PvE I lost interest when my guild dissolved because people left to focus on RL.

It sounds like you are the troll then…just saying. =)


I’m about 500% more polite in game than I am on these forums

I don’t think I’ve ever raged at anyone aside from this one dwarf hunter who kept ganking me and made me rage quit


pretty much this some people is just unwilling to do this.

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