Why are Shaman's so overtone?


LB and CL both hit harder than ES by the way. Complaining about Lightning Shield is laughable. Grounding is a Shaman only answer for CS and Poly by a Mage who respects range.

Bait the Grounding and you’ll leave the Shaman wide open.

Non damaging spells don’t kill it and it has a tick that can be right after a spell is cast or not depending on when it was dropped. So yes it can eat multiple spells if you don’t damage it.

So, lets do some math… for the sake of argument lets say LS ticks for 300. Thats 900 damage w/o casting a spell. Most mages have what 3.2-3.4k health unbuff’d… I mean, their buff’s should be purged off, right? Shock’s on 5 secs cooldown… hitting for 1k+ depending on crits (this is w/o EM or Zerker or trinket). I havent even mention grounding yet…

How can a Shaman lose? If he is afk at the kb?

Thanks, for reminding me that LB and CL both hit harder than ES. I did mention I got hit with a 2.6k LB. I was lucky I got out of range of CL, or Im sure I would’ve died.
If I had a Shaman… I would duel people and not even cast a damaging spell. Just refresh LS+Shocks to kill em. Ofc cast some heals… =)

whats the cast time on lightning bolt? 2.5 seconds? ok so they deal 1k dps in pvp with a 1 button rotation… was that lightning bolt a crit?

also can you stop incorrectly using apostrophes? if you dont understand how to properly use them just dont use them. it hurts my brain when i read things like “it’s alway’s did’s thi’s in’s the’s way’s” like bruh wtf are you even talking about

2 seconds, they as fast as lightning. 2.6k is a crit most def.

Over time, fam. Consider it a slow pulsing dot that an enemy is control of engaging with.

Most will only have 6 but yes, it can be reduced to 5. It’s also 20 yd max range which you should avoid being in range of.

Well, you have already in this thread. As I have mentioned, you should try baiting it to leave a Shaman defenceless.

By playing smarter. Besides I thought you said losing wasn’t your problem?

Good thing this isn’t World of Duelcraft.

You’d probably complain about mages, lol.


It’s true, Ele Shammies sre nucking futs in PvP. I tried to gank an Orc Shammy in EPL earlier today, thinking he would be an easy kill…

…and then I realized he was Ele.

He nearly insta gibber me with an EM CL ES combo, but I’m SoC Prot. I bubbled and healed to full. He didn’t even bandage. To make a long story short, he blew through my two lives and I didn’t even get him to half health.

As a Mage, I would CS his CL, sheep him (Shammies can’t trinket out of Poly), then shoot him with the Death Ray, followed up with with something helluva bursty (like AP PoM Pyro). Ele Shammies are bursty as hell, but so are Mages, and especially Gnomish Mages.

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I see what you’re saying… shaman’s are OP I agree! but mages and hunters are’nt exactly underpowered either :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I agree 100%. =)

Blizzard had enough foresight to nerf paladin’s Reckoning talent too so no one including streamers would ever complain about being 1 shot by a paladin which already is a class with the lowest offensive potential. The way Reckoning works now you can still emulate how it should work but it requires a macro.

#somechanges that only benefit certain players

Take it to the bug report forum if you believe it not to be authentic. I’m not here to discourage your belief on how reckoning should be working. I wouldn’t know any better to support you or not.

Cool looking character by the way. I usually find human males appearance comical but yours definitely has character.

Shamans are definitely terrifying. I usually just run! They have no way to deal with roots/snares. Hit em with the cones/bolts/polys and run to your backup!

Or just blanket cs them and have your warriors chop em up. That works too!

  1. they can get resisted, and they do surprisingly often. One resist and you’re sitting there with your pants down.
  2. if you have under 4.5k health unbuffed in pvp, you deserve to get oneshot every 3 minutes, they could do the same thing with NS. Just because somebody doesn’t let you glass cannon in pvp isn’t their fault.
  3. if they have 2.6k LB and 300 lightning shield, that means they have over 306(for lightning shield, over 900 for lightning bolt, which isn’t even a thing without stacking world buffs, flasks,etc) spellpower and probably have under 4k unbuffed health, and are a free honor kill.
  4. Let’s balance mages too, wanna go there? Shatter working twice? 15% to gain elemental mastery on getting hit? 25% attack slow on each time you’re hit? Ice block(2 trinkets before pvp trinkets even came out, not counting blinks which can be argued to make it 4)? portals outside party? Blink?

I play an enhancement purge-tank so I don’t care that much, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s not that great, otherwise everyone would be playing a shaman. it’s just spectacular when it happens.


Eh? I mean, you’re kinda right I guess.

It’s pretty fair to say at this point most mains have r13 or equiv gear but there are plenty of people who don’t.

Even as a mage in r13 I’m barely reaching that.

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This guy has it right. Escape doesn’t mean defeat and neither does team work.

a mage whining about ele shamans being “OP”

o i am laffin

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Mmm yes, mage tears fuel my water totems, keep it coming im frequently oom and need all i can get


Geared warlocks that crit with shadowburn hit harder then 1500…4k+ soulfires…idk why you would complain about shamans.

Because they gods of course Not because this phase was good for them and the bwl one was good for mage


Its not so bad. just run around in your NR gear lol.


That’s actually genius.