Lightforged blessing was bound to be nerfed because of high hp generation and ds being every other global. I called it when the trees went live and Im no genius.
The wog nerfs are just lame. These make me not wanna play altogether. I guess this is df s1 all over again, get the achievs I can get and just bounce.
Oh enhancement absolutely beats every hybrid in healing… theirs is so strong is quite insane. Just patch after patch of hs being buffed.
Feral may not be the best offhealer but their personal healing is top tier on top of their high mobility and array of walls
SP is just a monster in their personal healing too
Evokers are lame, class should be deleted
If ret was a bad offhealer and lame at surviving by themselves now they are just worse at both. I just dont get it
New PvP Talent: Shining Revelation – The light reveals all enemies in stealth or invisible to you while under the effects of Divine Shield. This effect lingers for 20 seconds after Divine Shield fades.
Luminescence (PvP Talent) has been redesigned – Lightbearer’s healing transfer is increased by up to 200% based on your current health. Lower health heals allies for more. Now available to Holy Paladins.
* The following PvP talents have been removed:
* Aura of Reckoning
* Lawbringer
Lightforge Blessing does less healing than a fury warrior’s leech. Just looking at a recent Dawnbeaker log of mine, it was 45m total healing out of 2.7b total healing done across the entire key. That’s 1.6% of the key’s healing. Whoopty doo.
To not be used on allies apparently.
And to just make you waste globals in pvp, even on yourself it’s still crap as it’s nerfed anyway.
Too bad it’s not impactful.
Selfless Healer is a point i didn’t even bother to waste, because i’d be using WoG on allies anyway. And FoL is low healing, so it wasn’t worth it for me, i doubt 35% extra healing on it will matter.
Blizzard gets it apparently, though they can’t share their thoughts for us…
Now it will be 0.8%… rejoice! It’s fine though, because people don’t care about it.
At this point, just remove it and put it out of its misery.
Look at whar they did to sharpen blade. Now is tied to colossus smash/warbreaker. Non gsme breaking qol
Meanwhile we get yet another talent so so niche Not a single person will divine shield to see invis. Have the devs actually tried chasing a rogue or feral around a corner as ret?
It seemed silly when I read it, like Divine Shield to “immune” stealth?
Why not use Blinding Light as the trigger instead?
You illuminate your surroundings for a period letting you see stealthed ennemies.
I’m not saying it would be “better” for you guys, you would know better, but at least it would have some thematic sense.
What would be the rational otherwise?
Do stealth (rogues) bait your bubble by targeting you first with their plethora of stuns then vanish once you bubble?
Making this strategy null?
That is nice, now it’s not just an AoE 0.1 sec stop and it can actually incapacitate some mobs for half a second (hopefully).
The idea is targeted WOG heals help save someone, or even the run if the boss is near death and ur healer drops to mech and things turn south.
There are still fights where a ret can wogs and keep his party up to a certain extend before oom. It’s the reason why before i pug, i now look for a mage and a lock for their candies and conjure food.
With the HH changes i can predicatively no longer do that. The healing amount is gonna be worthless and not worth using ( not that it was superb in the 1st place considering the mana cost and dps loss.) So ppl are just gonna drop like everyone else.
Except i could have turn things around if offhealing does not change. I can no longer do that now in the upcoming patch.
Not even as Prot.
And no overhealing is not a fault for Ret, esp if you know your targeted Wogs saves ppl. Esp the healer who’s panic healing when there’s a large amount of rot pulsing dmg or when he’s has no Cd left and there’s peeps not using their defensive or out of them.
Every Single Wogs that prevent death, is a well used Wog.
Now? We are not gonna be much different from a warrior i guess. Except for saving ourselves now.
Yea, these changes are gross. I wouldn’t mind nerfs to our passive healing if they came with buffs to our active healing, but this is a nerf to both. SotC probably won’t be worth it anymore, while A Just Reward will heal for around 3% of my total health—maybe that’s worth it for Holy since they can dispel more things, but not for the other two specs.
In regard to active healing, the FoL buff is conservative but not bad. The Healing Hands nerf, on the other hand, is horrifying. Why even let us cast WoG on other players? May as well go back to Legion design and replace WoG with JV because that’s effectively how we’ll use WoG now, like a budget Death Strike.
Thinking of quitting. I was already kind of bored and now there’s bad design on the horizon. I wrote a more in-depth post on the PTR forum, but I don’t suggest anyone else waste their time giving feedback that the devs won’t read.
people need to stop thinking of quiting and just quit. its annoying to see the same people say theyre gonna quit each ptr patch and end up saying the same thing next ptr patch after theyre somewhat geared up.
Last time (and only time that I can recall) that I said I was gonna quit I skipped the first three seasons of DF, and then came back when Ret was fun again. I try with you but you can be really obnoxious sometimes.
When was the last time i said it?
It was in SL, yes? Because i did quit in SL at the end of S3 and came back at the end of S1 DF.
Or are almost 2 seasons not quitting the game?
Is quitting only if it’s permanent? Do you make the rules on what quitting is?
I also did the same for S4 of DF.
My sub expires on the 17th in January and i wasn’t sure if i should renew or not, but these patch notes made me sure that i will not renew.
So don’t start talking trash when you don’t know crap.
I also didn’t even participate in the Beta for DF(meant TWW), even though i had an invitation because the previous Beta showed that the devs don’t even read what the players give feedback on.
It says that you responded to no one in particular right after I said I was thinking of quitting. And if it turns out that you meant to respond to Rayzens instead, that doesn’t make it any better. Rayzens is a nice person and you basically said to them “don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” It’s rude as hell.
Oh man, you saved a lot of time and heartache on that one.
Reading this thread a little more closely now and yea, this is a big deal in both m+ and PvP. Same goes for Dawnlight and Emp Hammer preferring players over pets.
The reason the off-healing stuff gets such a rise out of me is that Blizz constantly ping-pongs on it between expansions and even patches. I think healing should absolutely be a significant part of Ret’s kit, but the devs should just pick a lane already, state their intentions clearly, and then not touch it anymore. I’d be disappointed if Ret were some sort of DH knockoff, but I’d either get with the program or quit if I realized that was what WoW paladins were now and would remain. But either the dev team keeps changing or it’s the same devs who just can’t make up their minds.
The healing hands change is actually fantastic! It’s something that has gated our personal ability to heal ourselves through damage in PvP, because our ability to cover healers while they’re in CC has historically (SL s1 is the big one) been problematic for ret.
That said, if they are pushing the HH change and the mana cost change to WoG they must revert or reduce some of the PvP modifiers on HH and WoG. If WoG is going to cost 15% of our mana to use, it NEEDS to meaningfully move health bars when used.
Additionally, the buff to Flash of Light will make selfless healer a viable use of SotC’s talent point. It was already borderline useful but now it will definitely be something to consider when taken alongside Light’s Celerity.