One of the highlights of playing ret (for me at least) is being able to decently(it was nerfed a bunch of times) offheal others when needed and passively depending on talents.
Yet they’re nerfing it even more?? They keep erasing this identity…
- Seal of the Crusader healing reduced by 50%. - passive gutted
- Lightforged Blessing now heals 1% of health (was 2%). - passive gutted
- A Just Reward now has a more just reward, its healing increased by 140%. - Cleanse healing is so situational and may not even be needed sometimes.
- Flash of Light healing increased by 35%. - FoL heals quite low now, 35% won’t make up for the other nerfs at all, it’s also only every 6 sec with the instant talent.
- Word of Glory’s mana cost has been increased to 15% (was 10%). - why? It was already a significant drain and now it’s 50% worse?? So instead of 10 heals to drain it’s now 6-7… a 40-30% direct nerf to offhealing.
- Healing Hands now only functions to increase Word of Glory’s healing on the Paladin themselves (was increased healing on allies). - why even bother at this point?
I was already considering not renewing my sub, so maybe this is just a sign.
But is anyone else bothered by these notes, or just me?