Why are repairs 1000g now?

You also forgot to add rep to that since it actually and has always made a difference.

My druid pays over 1k when armor get to yellow, so yes is really high


just because a system existed before the token doesnt mean said system couldnt have been manipulated under the hood to take advantage of the token.

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Not when 1000g is chump change. It’s not going to drive me to buy a token because it’s not that expensive.

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200 deaths = the cost of 1 WoW token which = $20

So technically every 10 deaths costs you $1 USD

We need a journalist talking about this conspiracy!

The devs are punishing people that die by literally charging them bruh! WHO DOES THAT???

WQ take about 3 mins and some give 800+ gold. Probably close to 1000g after you loot. Dying less would also help

I’d say Blizz should drop the token price down to match the subscription price since that is what the value of a token represents. But I doubt it would actually stop people from blaming everything about the WoW economy on the token. Hell, in Classic Vanilla, where there is no token, I saw people saying that bots aren’t instantly detected and banned because Blizz works with the gold sellers to get a cut.

It’s a conspiracy bro. You either go around and make the world look alive on your alts or you pay up! Most just pay up!

I didn’t forget. It says in there “assuming you are neutral with.”

Paying up is being lazy or braindead.

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It also takes like 10 deaths for repairs to get to 1000g anyways

And while it was true then, it’s been a decade. How much wealth do you suppose from WoD has been spent in 12 years, and for that same sample size, how much do you think they have left? I know I am personally down to a collective 4M, and I was not part of the get rich in WoD crowd. I hated WoD so much, I hit level cap and spent the rest of it roleplaying.

I love these “but repairs are cheap, just a world quest or three”. While ignoring repairs are the cheap part of M+/raid.

I think you’re referring to how much of a weirdo you are at best.

You don’t need consumes to beat content.

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Then maybe don’t complain about the repairs and complain about the actual expensive parts of raiding.

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That isn’t even including all the consumables that cost a fortune and are for the ultra rich only! It all adds up every week man! Whole game is rigged around WoW tokens.

Some of us do harder content than delves. It is designed and balanced with things like consumables.

same reason they reworked the crafting system and will never adress the broken economy and patch every single way of making money by just playing the game…they want the average player to rely on tokens.


My biggest complaint is that it seems like gear needs to be repaired much more often than it did when I quit three years ago.