Why are racist players not getting banned after being reported?

Why are racist players not getting banned after being reported?

So did my 8 Mythic+ this week, and it seems the pool of players is dwindling because I see the same preservation evoker keeps showing up in pug mythic+ groups. The preservation evoker name has the word CHIMP in it. That is the first warning sign.

Second, he starts the instance by making Africa comments (I am not making this stuff up).

Third, due to the fact he was dying, I failed rebuff AI fast enough and he started making Spanish player remarks (even though I am a NA server and player).

I reported the player for ‘text’ not name. BTW this automatically puts the player on ignore.

Anyhow I guess Blizzard is bleeding sub numbers that it is starting to ignore racists?


i love how arrogant players like you are. that your one report means that they should instantly get banned. can you even guess at how many reports blizz gets on a daily basis. like the back log must be insane. so unless something happens that put that player on a prio list like mass reporting then they will probably be around for a bit.


It’s been policy since 2004 that they’re not going to tell you how they handle punishments of other players.

Also, I’ve seen people on the CS forums complain “they did nothing wrong” and a blue pops in and says “well a week/2 weeks ago you did [this]”.

Sometimes they can’t get to reports as soon as they’re put in.


Ok so you reported him. Have you been stalking the player checking up to see if he got banned or still logging in or something?


The horde are green skinned peons and are only good for menial labor- I don’t care if I sound racist , this is fact.


No was on my warlock earlier this week on Tuesday. I did a run on my mage today. So he is still playing.

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Did the other players in the group report him too, I mean I can talk about Africa all day long, doesn’t mean its racist, and I could have a name with “chimp” in it too, also doesn’t mean I’m racist, what did he say in Spanish?


Whoop whoop! Pull over you are under arrest. :oncoming_police_car:


Maybe because most reports are bogus.
And we here are supposed to believe you ?

Honestly, the best thing they did was make it NOT ALLOWED TO DO WHAT OP DOES in this forum.
How is it supposed to be any sort of reality when OP expects one to believe on OP’s word alone ?

Think about that.

Please mace that one, officer.


Likely because they slashed their support staff. Also why tickets are taking 20+ days


You can’t take me officer-I am the law , for the Alliance

That’s unconstitutional :angry:

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Probably mono, which in south america and spain means the same as when an american say “doing monkey business”, which is not racist, but just calling you a clown or something.

Btw, I mean “mace” by using an actual mace and the spray.

Down with orc bigots!


how is chimp for an evoker racist?


Well if it was just the name, not much. But add the Africa comments and racist Spanish comments, it adds up. You don’t think?

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What did he say in Spanish, I’ll ask again?

I think it’s a Sunday story on Friday.


It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you,

There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do!!!