Why are quests not voice acted?

Has absolutely nothing to do with “getting better at reading”… But you wouldn’t know because you don’t suffer from any type of disability except being a fail troll.


I agree, I think implementing voice acting into the quest text would make a lot of people play more and enjoy the leveling experience. Blizzard always is worried about the ‘experience’ of players but yet in 16 years, they have yet to implement voice acting for their player’s benefit. They do have a budget, but I am pretty positive they could ‘squeeze’ that into their budget somehow. As @Jolts said above, I’m sure a lot of talented voice actors would love to be apart of the immersion process of the game. Especially in the pandemic we are in now, I’m sure it would positively affect the voice actor by recieving commission for their voice and Blizzard’s buisness by bringing in people who love that extra immersion and the people who do have disabilities as well.

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I have been saying for years “why no voice acting in wow when MOST mmorpgs have them? Is WoW not the mmorpg king?” Blizzard could do this np and the fact that they stopped players from using an addon that added voice acting just tells me they didn’t want players to like the addon and therefor demand blizzard make it a standard feature effecting activisions “bottom line” because they would then have to hire voice actors and see a small increase in their budget no, no, the shareholders would not like that at all.

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Well the news is in - Blizzard continues to voice the game in a hodge-podge manner. The new expansion has more voice acting in it, however, it is impossible to follow the primary storyline on voice alone.

It is boggling to me - like they plugged the script into a computer and told it highlight an aggregate of 1/3 of it. That’s the part that got voice acting - an utterly random sampling.

Why the HELL can’t THE PREMIER MMO in existence have voice acting as comprehensive as ESO, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, FF14… etc??!

There isn’t an excuse . WoW should be BETTER than other games - more cinematics, more voice, MORE VALUE.

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Quest text has never been voice-acted. Only dialogue is. And even then, there was a time when the only dialogue that was voice-acted was that of dungeon / raid bosses. They’ve been really good about providing voice-acting for even minor characters these days, so I don’t really think there’s much to complain about here.

The fact that you have to read a paragraph or two to understand what’s happening is entirely to be expected for a narrative-driven experience

Quest text has never been voice-acted. Only dialogue is. And even then, there was a time when the only dialogue that was voice-acted was that of dungeon / raid bosses. They’ve been really good about providing voice-acting for even minor characters these days, so I don’t really think there’s much to complain about here.

Well, I am not sure why you are restating what Blizzard has done in the past. The whole point of this topic is that we know what Blizzard has done before and we find it wanting. It is not adequate in my estimation, and apparently others agree with me. WoW should be leading the industry - not looking like the poor cousin.

My guess is you have not experienced the other offerings on the market that DO offer a fully voiced product. If you did, ( admittedly I can only postulate) I think you would see how much more immersive it is. It REALLY connects you to the narrative.

The fact that you have to read a paragraph or two to understand what’s happening is entirely to be expected for a narrative-driven experience

Except that it isn’t. Once again, I am not sure why you are drawing such a tight box here, I am guessing you just haven’t had that much experience. Have you ever played a dice and paper role playing game? The narrative is spun out in real time with everyone contributing by acting their part… by speaking. Being in a group of people actively creating a story in the moment is another way to have a narrative-driven experience.

You seem almost accusatory. It is not laziness that motivates us to desire more voice acting in this game. It is the fact we have experienced it in OTHER MMORPGS and seen how much better it makes them.

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Most top MMORPGs with far less subs and without the need to buy every expansion have much more voice over than WoW… And its not just voice acting, The Secret World and Star Wars TOR have much more acted cutscenes where your character participates.

In that department WoW is not on par even with indie games. But its understandable, theres a lot of blind fanboys who defends everything blizz does.


Does Blizzard have a stance on this issue? I am curious what possible reason they could give.

“It requires to many resources” won’t work - not when other MUCH less successful MMO’s do it.

Honestly, I just can’t think of any valid excuse.


Easy, cause their cheap AF. As a former corporate voiceover artist, I can tell you first hand that most Voice actors get paid kaka. So unless your famous and can do all that crazy cartooney work or foreign accents, you dont get paid much. Blizzard could have easily incorporated voiceover work to the main story line at the very least. I played thru my class storylines in SWTOR and the voice acting darn near made the story that much more interesting. LOVED it. The voice work in SWTOR is one of many things that keeps people coming back.

Blizzard is the biggest MMO and they are cheap to boot. Thats your answer.

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because some of us hate that and shut the windows when they do it since its annoying
also voice actors cost $$$$$ you want va’s doing your quests you fork out the money for it!!!

It would be cool if even the main questlines of new expansions had voice acting, as well as all the starting zones. But I know that it would probably be weird to go from npcs who speak to npcs who don’t.

I’ll be the first to big up SWTOR’s voice acting - Hell I played the Sith Warrior campaign prologue just to hear Paul Darrow (Avon of Blake’s 7 fame) voice a Star Wars character.

However, one should note who made SWTOR. BioWare. And even if the writing whiffs a bit, BioWare have mostly managed in all their games to have a well rounded voice cast. Its one of their signature things.

As for Blizzard not doing it, well, I guess the simple answer is that they don’t want to. I mean I’d barely know since I play the game with its sound off so I can listen to music or podcasts while I play: a behaviour I doubt I’m alone in.