Why are Protection Warriors getting nerfed?

I wasn’t intending to insult anybody. That is just how spec progression goes until you are geared better for rage management or to simply stop you from beating your head against the wall in a spec you just don’t enjoy because you haven’t played the other one enough.

Thane is just significantly better for rage generation at lower ilvls, Which leads to better defensive uptime.
When you build enough haste to compensate for your rage generation you can usually go to colossus with no issue.

Personally i’m still rocking thane at 616 because I genuinely like the crowd control over the burst damage.

Prot warrior dps is average at best, on par with the rest of the pack. Prot paladins however…

It does remind me of DF S2. Prot warriors will rarely ever be meta given their lack of utility. They’ll just be “good”. And, that somehow is too much for Blizzard.

Meanwhile, as others have said, nothing for Brewmasters. All I’d like from Blizzard at this point is an acknowledgement that the spec was added to the game by mistake.

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They will never admit how much they screwed up with the changes from mists, Which is hilarious because a full reversion will fix the spec

Prot Warriors were meta at the start of this season, the start of season 1 in Dragonflight, and the very start of season 1 in Legion.

Something about the start of every expansion that always catches Blizzard by surprise, it seems.

(Remember how in Dragonflight season 1 they nerfed all tanks by 10%, except Warriors who only got a 5% nerf since the other 5% was a defensive stance nerf but Prot Warriors weren’t even using defensive stance?)

So I wonder how many people complaining that tanking is hard this expansion are using 2x dps trinkets because tanks will live anyway.

To be fair there ain’t that many good tank trinket and the best one is locked behind the raid and raid loot is pretty bad to get. Moreover, stats are also pretty good defensively and that’s what most use as far as I know. By nerfing damage procs on tanks you’re pretty much guaranteed we will prefer stats.

The trinket nerf was so stupid.

Wanting tanks to use tanking trinkets is all well and good, except Blizzard doesn’t really make tanking trinkets in the first place.

Make a good tanking trinket and people will use it. Heck, everybody farmed the hell out of De Other Side every season in Shadowlands to get that Hakkar trinket.

But if they make a good tank trinket then dps will use it!
Wish they role locked tank trinkets.

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One of the case of it happening.

They tank-locked that trinket off of Council of Dreams, too.

Thing is, it was so bad that tanks didn’t want to use it.

It wasn’t even a tanking trinket, just a DPS trinket with a small amount of healing when you got enough stacks. :roll_eyes:

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16.5% less shield slam casts = around 3〜4% dps loss on ST
Less slam + rage talents nerf = much less rage = less avatar casts from anger management (they reduced cooldown of shield wall but not avatar) + less revenge/execute casts = further dps loss + less passive damage amplification&reduction from avatar

Disgusting nerf again. Not only to prot’s damage output but also to its survivability.
20% ignore pain buff can compensate nothing.

We should let Onyxia eat those dumb class designers before hanging her head in SW/Org.

But they did touch us (twice!)
In fairly recent times too

(Prot pal pov)