I figured that part out. It’s not bad, but I got trained hard in our one eots.
Honestly probably just gonna go hunter.
I’m not a fan of heavy hard casting specs.
I figured that part out. It’s not bad, but I got trained hard in our one eots.
Honestly probably just gonna go hunter.
I’m not a fan of heavy hard casting specs.
Have you checked the succubus PVP talent? It reduces the casting time of shadowbolt by like, a third. Makes it feel so much faster.
That does sound interesting.
I skimmed a pvp guide briefly just to get some info and then just figured run a bg and try it out.
Most people at max level use the felguard for CC, but I prefer the succubus in lower level PVP. You cant get much haste at lower levels and it helps out tremendously. I’d assume any guides will just tell you whats best at max level.
VThey actually had 3 different builds on it.
I just went felguard because I was demo and could.
Logged out after trying aff and absolutely hating it.
First build is succubus
I don’t know about anyone else, but when I’ve been in premades, I have never been in a coordinated one. Usually, good players group up together and they know what they’re doing. THAT’S the thing that makes a “premade” group win.
If people are in a premade and they’re in voice, guaranteed they’re just f-ing around with each other and joking. Not an actual coordinated effort. Being with friends or on a team with people naturally just makes you feel better and like you want to win with each other. At least that’s the way I feel.
Guarantee the OP is a professional road fighter who only communicates in chat to complain when things go south…
Have you seen the threads with twinks demanding changes so they can play in the xp-on bracket?
I love how I don’t even have to type sometimes.
Sidenote: all of the twinks who have been doing that so far play alliance (at least the 110s I know)
If you have questions about demo lock in PvP, there’s a helpful demo lock player in the arena forum.
Hey, thanks!!
Btw, I have a few alts in the ravencrest/uldaman world.
Friends are going to play together and they shouldn’t be forced into rated content to do it, sorry.
They aren’t always a five-player group, they aren’t always in voice, and they aren’t always geared/skilled. A couple of players from one server isn’t always indicative of a premade either.
Playing against those five-man hit squads isn’t fair but 1) there’s no great way to address it without dismembering a critical aspect of socialization in the game and 2) matchmaking does what it can to pit premade against premade at 120.
So basically all of RG?
Forum profiles never update
Imagine the tears in classic when 10 man premades wreck a bunch of hermit crabs
That gon be us.
Yeah, it’ll be fun to watch the premades dodge each other.
Not ours. We ain’t scurred of NOBODY
So you are scared of somebody?