??? Can someone explain this ???
Wait, like a group of people (2+) queuing together?
inb4 “I like to queue with friends, you should get some too”
There should be a standard bg queue with no restrictions and a soloqueue for those who want to … soloqueue.
Don’t expect much sympathy . Most of the players on here are so blinkered, and elitist you will be lucky to get a decent answer. Like below, although he does have a point. Blizz allows grps of 5 together into randoms for some reason.
The real way to be snide is to say
“This is an MMO, playing with people should be encouraged”
I’m sure that will go over well with our queue times. Lets look at twink queues…
“Sorry I’d love to play some BGs with you, but its not worth an hour long queue”
I would greatly enjoy a BG mode without healers, but its not reasonable or healthy for the game to demand that.
It’s most likey just a logistics thing. If they made seperate ques for groups and solo then the que times for both groups would go thru the roof. Sure it’s aggravating coming against full groups, but that doesn’t happen every game, and the other team is still having fun in that scenario. No one likes sitting in a que for 30 min to play a 15 min bg tho.
Perhaps one bg where it’s just a killfest would be awesome fun. I actually enjoy bgs without heals a lot, it’s over with quick, and we get to move on to the next bg.
For sure! Its an entirely different game when theres no healers involved, and I find myself enjoying them much more.
if people group together but then run around and do different things is that still a premade?
Why the caps on RANDOM…RANDOM only means the map they get is RANDOM. which it was
The really good premades do that. They don’t need to stick together for mutual protection. They can separate and dominate multiple bg objectives.
Players would still lose in a solo queue and the same players would still complain.
The reason why is well known. It’s been mentioned already.
Horde premades in AV are just a group of narcissists.
It’s just the nature of the beast. Premades are a lot of fun to be part of, and it’s probably not healthy for this MMORPG to do away with them. Sure it’s kind of lame to hear “find some friends to queue with” over and over, but this topic is brought up a lot and both sides hear the same buzzwords.
I personally don’t see Blizzard wanting to do away with premades in randoms. When it comes down to it… good players are allowed to queue for randoms and not worry about rating too. There is a 5 person restriction now a days and I see that as more than reasonable to work with. I wish there was a 10 person option for epics though… they might be more fun with added coordination being a possibility.
Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game
I hope none of you hermit people play classic. I shudder to think how it will be for you when you need to group up just to quest.
You just have to ask what the game is designed to support. And it’s designed to support and reward premades that avoid doing objectives in battlegrounds so they can that farm graveyards continuously. The purpose of the random function in the group finder is to put together a group of random solo pugs for these premades to farm.
Sooner or later solo pugs come to realize this and stop doing pvp or quit the game. But hey, stroking the egos of those of the antisocial ilk is well worth what’s happening to pvp right now.
There are “premades” in every multiplayer pvp game in the history of mankind? CoD, Halo, Battlefield, overwatch, Mordhau, WoW???
get some friends dude. if this is the level of players here, I am happy classic is coming so I can hop over there and leave this entitled millennial 2019 mindset.
If you’re fishing for upvotes, go back to GD.
I’m a solo player that’s grouped up once in the past three years. You’re wrong and the last 15 years supports that.
Or to work on professions