Why are people so vocal about dragon flying?


Dragonriding is new and ‘scary’.
It’s easier to complain than adjust.

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Have you been reading other comments? Dragonriding is boring, annoying, and not worth it. Just let people play how they want to jeez


Probably my biggest complaint with Dragonriding is that it is too fast for my tastes. It prevents me from seeing the terrain at the detail level that old flight does, so I find myself doing less mid-flight exploration .


i already knew i wasn’t gonna like dragonriding from guild wars but i figured maybe blizz would do a better job nah its even worse bring back my regular flying y’all can enjoy the trash all you want. i don’t like it and never will the next time they gate normal flying and blizz just releases dragonriding i’m out.


For real. When people say “other MMOs have this mechanic!!” I’m like… Well, I don’t play those other MMOS, I play WoW lol


You don’t even need it there, to be honest. You can hop on a group member’s dragon and get taken by someone else.

Dear OP,
What was your point in creating this thread?
Was it to insult people who have physical ailments that make dragon riding difficult or impossible to do?

Was it just because you wanted to jump on a bandwagon?

Or is there some other reason?

Might I suggest that before you start putting people down, you actually understand why they may struggle with something.

Oh and I am a little confused. I don’t recall dragon-riding being a thing in naxx, and if it was, why did they wait so long to bring the technology into the rest of their game. :thinking:

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You mean the comments from people that it’s pretty much entirely a skill issue? Yea.

Clearly you are doing it wrong if this is your opinion.

People CAN play how they want. This comment is completely irrelevant lol.
If this was any other xpac, flying wouldn’t exist.
And you can STILL get around pretty much anywhere in the dragon isles without flying.
Don’t white knight, you aren’t good at it.

As is, sadly, tradition.

lol this is bizarre. You’re coping hard, friend. “Someone doesn’t like the thing I like. They must be wrong.” It couldn’t be that people like different stuff and don’t find the same things fun. Nahhh, that’s ridiculous.

They want to use old flying. Can they do that in the current expansion rn? No? Other option is pathfinder which was introduced because they didn’t want to give flying right away. They thought everyone would just fly over everything. And now we have dragon riding where… everyone just flies over everything anyway. The only difference is how they are flying. And the dragonriding mechanics are not fun for me.

I see this thrown around so much it’s ridiculous. Does it make you happier to be better than others at a video game? Does it make life meaningful? Do you really have nothing else going on for you? Go find a dog to pet or something and chill. If it destroys your life to have people play the same game as you “wrong” then like… take a break, maybe?


Because it was a solution looking for a problem. Also some of us played Superman 64 and it brings back memories. Bad memories.


This is so well put I don’t even know where to start. 10/10


i just think people are sick and tired of blizzard beating around the bush on just allowing players to freaking Fly in the game and not going through all these hoops every freaking time a new expansion comes out, wait a year, go through a bunch of new bs grinding and gating just to get to fly again … Personally i think Dragonflying is a good middle ground for the start of an expansion to not have to ground mount everywhere because tbh ground mounting SUCKS , esp at end game, its such a freaking time waste and in all honesty at this point i doubt i could go back to ground mounting in an expansion again.


Leave dragonflying faster. Let it be there for those who need to get from a to b in 0.68 seconds. Let me have old flying so i can mine nodes in peace.


It’s needed in a couple places (getting into Thaldraszus for the first time, and I found this one side quest on a tower by Cobalt rep farm that you need to fly to).

But people overstate how much it’s required. The zones are full of ground paths, almost all areas and quests are reachable on a ground mount, it just takes longer than flying.

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THANK you. I just want to go slow and enjoy the scenery. Not everything needs to be “GO GO GO.” If someone likes going fast then cool but not everyone has to


Yup! I do a lot of “hmm, that looks interesting but I’m low on vigor and don’t want to stop” and move on.

It discourages a lot of the exploration I would normally do.


I… I always use just a mouse and I have bronze on every race, and silver and gold on many others. The mouse is the fastest way to turn, I wouldn’t be able to do it with a keyboard.

You want people who have already created or participated in threads in which they explain their perspective on an issue to come to your own after-the-fact thread to again explain their perspective on that issue to you.

Sounds legit.

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The race minigame isn’t what people are concerned about. Thats an optional activity; the general issues are with the flight method itself, and the concern that it will be used for the larger percentage of the expac before (or if) normal flight is brought in.

Most of us dont mind it being in the game; its certainly good to have a form of flight from the first week of an expansion, even if it isn’t ideal for everyone. But the issue is that if you make any sort of negative response to it, those that support it and love it drop bombs on you and take the whole ‘git gud’ approach - which isn’t what most people who dislike it are concerned about.

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