Why are people so rude to new tanks?

You know the dungeons well, the path to take, and the mechanics. New tanks often do not. Your runs are generally smooth at a solid pace, new tanks are not. Your level of play is well above a new tank . Usually people don’t complain at that except the odd player who -demands- pulling the whole room or a stressed out healer.

In short, you don’t play down to the level of a new tank. You could take some detours and play a very suboptimal build. Maybe go slow and emulate a new tank and see what happens.

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Wow, players are so toxic

This is true and I don’t downplay that. However I have told people Im new even in mythic+ and more often than not… It’s a positive experience not a negative like being kicked.

I’ve even come back from Breaks and said I haven’t played in eight months bear with me

I’m willing to bet the majority of these cases are just the assumption that they’re gon to be understanding without ever explaining your situation…

We’ve all been new. But I’m willing to bet that these posts come from One bad experience outshining 10 normal.

I’m rude to all tanks, some just happen to be new.

Had a healer earlier that wouldn’t heal me when I was tanking. Would DPS instead of heal and then complain about small pull sizes. Died right away from lack of healing the moment I pulled more than one pack at a time and then the healer started running ahead pulling extra when I stopped doing so and died immediately from taking aggro.

Group wipes and he doesn’t learn his lesson and continues to pull big and almost dies while also not healing me. Some healers are truly awful

can’t look for a reason to be angry if angry all the time.

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I kinda see tanking like jobs in law enforcement, it’s the kind of role that attracts arrogant types that like power, and the few normal/decent/well adjusted people that join to try and do some good, either turn bad themselves or end up leaving because they can’t take it.

Because of this, people are often weary of tanks and can end up mistreating them before they’ve even had the opportunity to show that they’re one of the good ones :disappointed_relieved:

Cause WoW tanking isn’t about tanking mobs, it’s about tanking sweaty gamers nasty attitudes

Ma’am i’m gonna need to see your license and mythic key

Do you know how slow you were going???

If you both are high level enough and have good gear, you two could “duo” a Classic dungeon in Chromie Time just the two of you.

You pulled a five in a zero zone…
/starts votekick form

this community mostly sux. thats why.

that could be said about most gaming communities.

tricked implies that i believed him wholeheartedly

Those people should just buy a boost and leave leveling content to the people who enjoy the process of leveling.

What if I don’t wanna spend my money?

Maybe people want new friends to play with! They probably just need a friend!

Yeah my anxiety could never allow me to Tank.

All that pressure to lead the group, know all the loopholes to make it faster, and grab enough mobs but not TOO many while maintains all aggro….

Nope. I’ll be in the background

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Tanking isn’t an anxiety issue for me, just stress. I’ve done it and I’m fairly comfortable with it, but dealing with people who think they know better than me is just not worth my time. So I heal instead, and quietly rage at stupid tanks while they don’t even know I am quietly raging at them.

haha its funny, Orcs got the axe racial but the trolls seem to have all the axes to grind, you need to remember that people play to unwind and rage dumping is like an emotional hearthstone, with the way things are going (I.E. everything in the world all the time) that people are trying to avoid they need an excuse to get out the poison, any lull in activity or minor inconvenience becomes an opportunity to cut loose, I prefer to over imbibe and post on the forums personally. also comma splices and walls of text, you stepped on a frog, get out of here with your hitpoints man, bring some elixirs next time.