Why are people so rude to new tanks?

that sucks… but remind your friend that tanks get invited almost instantly to groups, even if they’re newish. Who cares what a bunch of jerks say? leave the dungeon and get a new group in 4 seconds.

A decent tank can compensate for some crappy dps or if a dps leaves provided everyone else is good. Group cannot compensate with no tank though, in most cases.

Because in my experience most new tanks queue up to content, especially LFR, without even having done the most basic of research. They then proceed to yolo it, don’t tell anyone they have no idea what to do and proceed to cause wipes.

And then get offended when the other tank, or someone else, tries to explain to them what to do.

Did your friend let everyone know he was new? If not then they probably assumed he was dumb and thought he was wasting everyone’s time.

You know how you get mad at your boss for poor communication at work, well same thing in wow. A small heads up goes a long way.

Edit: Nobody will fault anyone for trying something new. My advice is to let people know that ahead of time.

If he quit after one complain he was not born to tank

Right! You gotta be a tank IRL and be thick skinned.

I usually announce that i’m new, and I don’t if you run a step ahead if i get slow. A bit of pulling for me is also fine (especially redirect).

After saying that, i have not had any issues.

But i generally only tank timewalking and do fine there without saying anything.

I once had a panda priest that was geared well and they would run ahead an pull, and then yank me to them if i was slow. It was kind of annoying, but didn’t say anything about it. There were zero wipes.

Hi. You don’t get to tell anyone else how to enjoy the game any more than they get to tell you.
Get along or I’ll turn this car around and nobody gets to play wow.

Wow sorry the panda was so toxic. People these days.

And yet people tell others how to play the game all the time. “Go faster,” “do homework on everything before you even log in,” “play these talents or you’re bad.” On and on and on.

Isn’t just new tanks. Players are pricks to tanks in general. It’s why most of us won’t pug ever again.

Was this a random dungeon or mythic +?

random dungeons are easy enough where you can pretty much steamroll them so if he wasn’t doing that yea you can definitely get dps that will complain, and unfortunately if the other dps and/or healer agree with them than they can kick him. I find this rarely happens though, and instead the dps just pull the extra mobs and run them to the tank.

Yea I had this problem recently (well not really a problem, more of an annoyance) where nobody was interrupting the stuff that was clearly designed to be interrupted. It just took a little longer to kill than normal, but definitely something you notice when a bunch of lvl 10-20 are running Atal’Dazar.

Some people are idiots online because it’s not real life or in person. I became a tank this season and realized when those idiots go off it says way more about them than me. I had the other DPS flame the one that was giving me stress (asking me to pull bigger) for being cautious in a +20 WM instead of overwhelming the healer. We timed the key even if it was just a 1 chest, but better than over whelming the group. The one that was giving me grief ended up 40k behind the others in DPS, and only 15k above me. It truly does not matter as long as we get through it. The toxic people I have come across is insane….

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There was an interesting experiment in sociology where folks were asked to push a button and torture someone in another room if they answered questions wrong, each time the voltage upped till it was just under lethal, now obviously they didn’t ACTUALLY shock or kill anyone for the experiment but the important part was finding out the results when the people at the controls THOUGHT they were. The results were as concluded: people would do ANYTHING they thought they could get away with if they could just excuse it as: “Just following orders.”. The moral? People are only as nasty and venomous as the consequences of their actions will allow them to be via the psychological mechanism of risk vs reward.

Anonymity is just one form of this online, you can see similar results from people IRL who treat restaurant, retail store, and other staff poorly…cause usually those establishment’s rules put the employees in chains while allowing the customer free rein.

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Because people forget they were new once and messed up themselves