WoW was never a sandbox MMO
You could use attack power gear on your mage but that would not make them into a physical dps. The game allowing you to gear wrong does not equal the game supporting a bunch of builds.
Boomkin is not really a good benchmark for dps sense they would go oom mid fights, was a meme spec and the only reason for you to bring a boomkin was so that you could get that spellcrit aura.
It was not, if you went into a raid melee people would laugh at you, melee hunters was a meme in orginal vanilla that was only played by people that did not know how the game worked.
No it does not since their kit was focused on being melee, just as hunters kit was focusd on staying ranged no matter how you speced.
Gonna need to make up your mind mate, and no WoD survival and MM did not merge in Legion. Legion MM was completly different from WoD MM.
Playing a spec wrong does not make it an intended build. There are videos om people playing melee BM hunter in MoP with glaive toss and kill command but that did not make BM into a melee spec.
I made this thread since i was wondering why the idea of hunters being melee comes up so much in discussion when talking about new specs and changes to hunter. I was curios since range is obviously more popular. If you look at the thread im not arguing with anyone staying they prefer melee, everyone has different tastes. Im only arguing when people make thinks up. And its not some giant task to take 2 mins out of my day to correct you when you are wrong.
I have not said anything wheter it should be melee or not in this thread infact the only thing iâve said on this subject is.
But i will correct you when you try to change history to justify the present.
Again its not.
Ye this is starting the feel bizarre, make things up, then lie about making things up, then lie about the lying. Its starting to feel like some sort of victim complex, iâve never brought up what should be done about current survival but they cant help themself to continue trying to argue about it and then act like they are attacked.