Why are people so obsessed with Hunter being melee?

So it was melee then

so because of that it should return to being a MM clone? All thanks to the worst expansion in the games history

thats great and all, but when im playing a hunter im playing because I dont want to play a warrior or rogue. Just because I use a melee weapon doesnt mean im just like them cause if that was the actual case why even have classes at this point

I really hate to be the guy to tell you this, but literally every spell in the game is a different ability in some way then when it was first introduced in some way.

It was a mocking joke channel. We been over this for 2 years almost 3 now.

Ive never not played Survival, always had the same stance on the spec. Your’e real issue with me is the fact I dont agree with you and make fun of you. If you wanna go to couples therapy we can set that up.
also they were satire. You always make sure not to post the overly obvious how to play MM video I did because you know it will collapse this entire narrative of yours.


My warrior starts with a shield at lvl 1 but Arms using only 2 handers. Using another class to dismantle your logic is always hilarious

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SOME warriors. What about warriors of the bow and gun? Archers and gunfighters?

Nothing like a big bow or gun to hack the enemy down where they stand so far away.

Legion mm was a great spec what are you on about its far better than what mm has been from the bfa rework onwards.

This isn’t true at all lmao

Only in CN was mm played more than bm in raid rest of SL it was behind bm.

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Yea thats fine, i still liked it/enjoy it on hardcore rn

Is it them, Dad?
It’s always them, Son.


I’ve not said wheter i think it should return to ranged or not, dont make up things so you can nerd rage about it. All i have said is that Hunter was at their peak of popularity when they were tripple ranged dps. That once survival went melee the % of players that play survival was reduced by a large amount. And if you look at the numbers it does not appear that melee survival has been a net positiv for hunter since before you would see hunters often shift between 3 specs depending on what most fun and strongest but now it seems like alot of hunters are not willing to touch survival even when it was broken, making alot of hunters go from having 3 specs to play to 2.

Again i’ve never said they were the same you need to work on your rage issues. Im saying that there is alot of unexplored space for ranged weapons, melee dps should have more specs than ranged weapon users since there is more fantasy to cover but right now all the ranged weapon fantasy is crammed into 1-2 specs.

You were the one suggesting picking explosive shot for MM to replace survival. And while spells change alot of them still fill the same space in rotations. Explosive shot is one of the abilities that no longer does that, plus a large draw of old explosive shot was how good it felt with lock and load procs which it no longer has access to aswell.

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I think Survival is fine as melee (though they need to bring back dual-wielding agility one-handers instead of being stuck with a polearm/staff). I did once imagine a tanking specialization for hunters that involved physically merging with your pet, but that’s more of a druid thing.

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You should look at Soulbeast ranger in GW2 they do exactly that, tho i they could use abit more visual flare.

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The only way I would support this is if there is a rogue version of you that would cry on the forums about it for years and years. Derailing post after post with their ham handed toxic rhetoric like their life depended on a dead spec being brought back.


I think it’s funny he’s using this as an example when there are rogue specs right now complaining about being too stealth oriented. the problem with arguing with bepples is you can’t actually take what he says seriously because it kind of falls to pieces as soon as you think about what he says for more than two seconds


If Blizzard arbitrarily deletes people’s playstyle choices those people should stand up for themselves. I would fully support any Rogue opposing any sort of undermining of their class identity.

I’ve never seen a Rogue complain about this and if they did I would dismiss them as a stupid person. Rogues are stealth oriented. It’s part of their class identity. Those people should play a Warrior if they don’t want to be stealthy.

Yeah people say this a lot but they sure do end up making fools of themselves.


You should play Shadow if you want to use DoTS :+1:

another incredible example of you being an extremely unpleasant person no matter what the situation is.


I disagree with this argument. I personally think hunters have pets as part of there class identity but i kind of like focusing on the bow part of hunter and would actually prefer not having a pet.

If rogue could get rid of stealth and could be more mobile i would play that spec. Maybe like a samurai spec or something. The game is old its solved the specs need to be refreshed.

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Survival demonstrates that when the vultures start circling the class forums and demanding x class gets reworked to be more like y the players of x need to crack the whip. The backing behind making SV melee was arbitrary so any other spec in the game can be arbitrarily ruined by similarly arbitrary and misled logic. I think Enhancement Shamans in particular need to watch out and hold firm. Lots of class design vultures coming for that one, especially now that Augmentation is a thing.

The pet is an important part of being a Hunter. The only reason Lone Wolf is remotely acceptable is because the pet can sometimes be a drawback. For example, when I’m in Isle of Conquest and I’m up on a tower/ship mast shooting down at people, Lone Wolf is a huge strength. Lone Wolf is still not good enough in its current incarnation because it’s far too punishing to have a pet as MM in many situations. The easiest way to address this would be to make Lone Wolf only buff single target damage, but that itself isn’t trivial due to how MM AoE works.

Plenty of people insisted they would play melee SV too. The forums were full of it in the lead-up to Legion and I even saw talk of people speculating it would be the most popular Hunter spec. Most of them didn’t show up at all. I did see that coming because there were other concrete indicators that SV would be one of the least popular specs.

I put ZERO stock in these “I would play it!” statements. You would in all likelihood stick to your current main.

Refreshing specs does not mean forsaking class identity. The important thing to remember is that specs should build on the core class. You should not lose any core class capability by picking a spec. They try to get around this with SV by making it keep Arcane Shot and Steady Shot but that’s tokenistic; the ranged capability effectively no longer exists when you pick SV.


You think nobody would play a samurai rogue spec?

I dont remember the forums being hyped at all for survival in legion and when the beta dropped and prepatch it was dead on arrival. Refreshing specs is fine if its done right. I also couldnt care much about class identity i dont think its important at all that hunters identity is with pets, or rogues identity is with stealth. I wouldnt call anything on the forums a good way to gage hype, especially when it came to survival hunter changes when we dont have downvotes in the forums anymore.

If rogues had more bombs\crossbows\had a blademaster spec or whatever else it would be fine.

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this is literally you though. you are the petulant child showing up in every thread demanding things get reworked. you are the vulture.

Been confirmation no current specs are changing from their current roles.

Seek help


Really? I heard that disc priest is going to be turned into a support spec

yup, really; it was an interview last month or so. ion said that no current specs will be changing their roles—current enhancement players play enhancement because it’s enhancement. if they were to introduce any more support roles, it would be new specs

Nice rollback. I already explained what the unintended behavior was but you just keep ignoring it. But hey I’ll try one last time.
Each multistrike arcane shot hit would trigger an initial serpent sting tick at 100% of its damage which itself could multistrike. Multistrike was balanced around weaker 1 or 2 subsequent hits that wouldn’t cascade into more multistrikes by themselves. Doesn’t take rocket science to understand that it made multistrike stat weight ratio completely over the top and why removing the not even that great serpent sting initial dmg tick turned the spec into sub tank dmg.

You are insufferable.
Keep fighting your ridiculous crusade against non-believers, I’ll have fun playing my EU “legion reroll” fighting in close quarters alongside his grimtotem spirit guide.


Stand up for themselves? It’s a video game bro. lol

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