Why are people so mad with Shadowlands story?

We still hate it. Why is this so hard for you to understand? It’s not Shadowlands or BfA terrible. It’s still bad. Yes the story has gotten worse over the years.


Yes, WoD was bad. Be it gameplay or story, but for me, BfA was the worst thing that happened in my opinion. The story in WoD is definitely not a good one, but did it harm the story?
Not much because it had little impact and took place in the parallel universe. However, BfA did the most damage to the story and that can be clearly seen in Shadowlands.


Rage has always been a part of the orc psyche… That’s what Sargeras and Kil’jaden found so useful about the race.

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Different writers… pretty much a different storyline. Expansions are like Classic Star Trek episodes. What happens in one seldom is relevant in the next.

I stated it is still the least popular expansion several times. Why is this so hard for you to understander?

I am not convinced more people dislike Bfa more than WoD based on what I have seen. i.e. blogs, youtube, twitch, trade chat, discord, ect.

Edit: I just googled “worst expansion of all time” and apparently Metacritic user score was 3.0 for bfa and 7.2 for WoD so… idk. Maybe more people really do hate bfa than WoD and its just my weird anecdotal world telling me WoD is worse than bfa.

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I think we can all agree that all 3 of these expansions have been horrible for their own special reasons. :slight_smile:


IMO it’s a retelling of his own story arc that unfolded into WotLK. It even had

High Overlord Saurfang says: And while Grom died a glorious death - freeing us all from the blood curse - he could not wipe away the terrible memory of our past.
High Overlord Saurfang says: His act could not erase the horrors we committed.

More in: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Garrosh_Hellscream#Dialogue_with_Saurfang

I wonder, how in the opinion of the devs, attepmts to tell such story would reinforce the faction based narrative, and the factions are “the core”, that it’s a good idea to keep them.

Original vision of the night elves has sort of “warrior culture” side to it. Did not notice that it somehow meant they went rampaging for lulz.

TL;DR of the problem: in W3 / early WoW - the activities of the Burning Legion made the orcs do what they did, even though before that they co-existed with draenei. Post WoD - they’re just fine with taking this path without the Burning Legion.

So far some people claim that since WotLK we have a “good expansion → bad expansion” cycle. Shadowlands supposed to be a good one after BfA, but we’re a couple weeks from the 9.1 release, and the feedback that existed since beta-test still ignored, we’ll get like 5 or 6 new things to grind, and the story bits do not mesh well even with some 9.0 info, yet alone continue the older ones.

We might get magical 9.2, 9.3, but just like MoP after odd 5.0 5.1 made quite a few people leave, there might be not that many people left to even care about 9.2+, given that it likely won’t be available this year.

My prediction: time when people were constantly complaining might end up being a good time when people cared about the direction of the game.

I think the most blizzard problems are related to blizzard. A few sources that make me think so.

gl hf


Yeah but how was this passed off as a genetic issue?

Humans start wars all the time for the flimsiest reasons… so for a medieval history of Orcs uniting under one clan to conquer their world and then other worlds.
This is pretty typical fantasy stuff.

To discuss the details of the bloodrage specifically you’d need somebody else, sorry. I can only outline my displeasure with altering the original story the way I described.

Originally orcs co-existed with draenei without rampaging. Then with the influence of the Legion things happened that happened. I would not really call it typical. If anything, the story was that behind (subjectively) ugly faces they were not fully defined by such actions.

You saying that it’s “typical” is kind of not really fitting into what I remember about the horde of early 2000s. (W3 - WotLK)

gl hf

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Maybe I am not remembering Lord of Clans much but the Draenei were almost mythical to the Orcs.
Hidden away with their technology and magic.

The Orcs fought each other and Ogres, made alliances or broke them and etc. It was your typical tribal stereotype of a warlike people.
They weren’t exactly zen peaceful creatures who picked flowers and baked cake every sunday.

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I’m talking about the video game representations.

I am not sure if that’s how it’s described in the Chronicles, I might need to refresh my memory.

They were not defined by being warmonger-only type. But I mentioned it before.

gl hf

The one thing WoD failed to emphasize much was the Orcs spirituality and their Ancestors worship/religion.

Besides that I fail to see any gross deviation from their original lore.

If from your PoV it depicts the orcs as W3 - vanilla WoW, all the power to you. Gl hf.

That statement makes no sense.

We have never seen the pre-invasion Orcs firsthand in the game.
The only truly accurate account are the books. Whatever is described by Thrall in vanilla or WC3 is unreliable narrator. He didn’t even know the circumstances of the demon corruption until Grom told him.

And in WoD besides being united with Goblin technology the Orcs are no different than originally presented.
This includes both Iron Horde the warlike aspect and the Frostwolves the more peaceful and spiritual aspect.

Books are as much “unreliable”. It’s not up to me to define what is in canon “unbreakable truth”, but if that would be up to me, then I would include the things we see first hand into that list above the rest.

gl hf

But we dont see the orcs first hand before invasion.

We see the orcs afterwards and those are just as damning as we see in the games.
Nobody can even point out a deviation in the lore. All they can say is that their headcanon of peace loving orcs didn’t play out as they expected.

Statement about what IMO should’ve been qualified as “canon” in general is not about that aspect. It is mentioned in the context of you talking about “unreliable narrator” and books.

To no surprise, W3 does not have pre-W3 events in it.

gl hf

So… no one can complain WoD is accurate or isn’t because no one knows.

Except you know… existing works of literature designed to give us that peek into the unknown.

I can’t tell for “everyone”. I can only share my perspective. And that perspective is that there was a certain vision of the race sold originally, and then it was warped into something else. Whether or not you like this approach to narrative - your personal decision.

Perhaps there is somebody around who has a copy of Chronicles vol. 2 readily available, to confirm or deny the premise of the orc-draenei interactions.

gl hf

The only thing chronicles speaks of is before the Orcs started killing them they traded on a limited basis.

Ps the Orcs started killing them before drinking Manoroth’s blood. The demon corruption just made them more effective at it.

What vision was this? Can you quote the specific mission or dialogue meant to reveal this? Because by the end of the campaign Thrall’s view of the Orcs was different than we first begin.
Also Lord of clans was released in the early 2000s its not a new piece of work that retcons anything “originally sold” to the orc fans.