Why are people so mad with Shadowlands story?

Really the general opinion of WoD dropped like a stone once people stopped questing through the quite good leveling content and ran out of pretty good raids to do, which was infamously fast, at which point they had nothing but Garnisons (sic) to distract from how weird at best the whole expansion’s story was.

I wouldn’t say he was the “hero” persay. He just stopped being the villain, when his empire was stolen from him and he decided to join the Heroes to help bring down the usurpers.

I was able to make my Garrison tolerable by referring to it as “Deep Space Ten” (because I was a foreign entity taking over a station established by, and in the style of an empire that I didn’t feel like I identified with that was near an entirely different group of people), and by hosting a server forum thing where I tried to predict the results of the 2016 Republican Primary by naming ships after candidates and seeing which ones survived.

I only liked WoD because I was able to check out and ignore the lore.

I was working a ton during that expansion, but I could be on the forums on my phone at work and I just remember some of the threads being basically like “WoD is ruining my life”.

I mean, WoD was a bad expansion. Let’s not get confused about that. Ashran could be fun sometimes, and absolutely miserable in others. The lore ended up being lackluster and cut short. They had an entire patch around introducing a selfie cam, and what they did to professions in that expansion was criminal.

This makes favorable comparisons between WoD and Shadowlands, that is favorable in favor of WoD, a really bad sign.

It was in the selfie patch…:camera_flash:


I think if the anima err content drought ends and blizzard really picks up the pacing of SL it could get back on track. I think there’s a lot to be said about the fandoms affinity for character customization. Time will tell. I don’t think we have another Legion on our hands though. I think most people knew from the get-go Legion was special.

Hey, does this content drought make Danathrius and Bobby Kotik the same entity? Or would he be more like The Jailer?

I think the content drought is a symptom of other problems, but I want to emphasize that the problems aren’t just that. Look at the Monthly Active User trend, look at the Metacritic scores - there’s a marked decline in quality across the board, and story is a significant contributor to that.

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You’re making a serious mistake in taking this subforum seriously or as representative of the player group as a whole.

Neither can be farther from the truth.

Actually, this would be the error. It’s one that you’re making:

The fallacy there is to imply that because of that… a vocal minority represents the majority and should be treated as such.

Most people who spend their time commenting on social media, simply don’t have more worthwhile ways to occupy their time.

If the game were bleeding subscribers at an abnormal rate, then you would have more standing for your claims. it isn’t. That’s the only number that matters.

Nah, hard disagree. Social media is pretty ubiquitous these days. It’s hard to find a website these days that doesn’t have a comments section, and it’s been pretty well established by this point by the business community as a preferred feedback mechanism.

As for whether the game is bleeding subscribers, I refer you back to the Monthly Active User trend. If you’ve been following Blizzard’s financials as I have, you would know that it’s been continually dropping since Legion.

I would argue however that the major cause of the dropout is general gameplay issues. The game failed to deliver a decent faction conflict story. The major failure was in getting people back into the PVP scene which is what the BFA expansion was supposed to have done, even going to the extent of bribing Alliance players to take up the Flag.

Another major failure in this expansion after early promise was crafting. Getting the legendaries is a ridiculous amount of grinding. The Covenant armor is another fail as it’s very quickly outdated by heroic and even World Quest drops.

The game is losing subscribers over game play, not something that pretty much ended at the beginning of BFA. Another issue was the failure to avoid the BIS quality of covenant membership. Certain memberships are mandatory for elite raid placement and that can mean grinding content that you really don’t enjoy.

Which is where we get into another error:

To elaborate, those are factors, but they are not the only factors, and nor does their presence as factors discount story as a factor.

I guess it’s my turn to re-churn this topic and maybe I’m missing something, but how isn’t it a retcon? From what I understand, orcs did not have that “lose control and become a mindless berserker” mental state until they drank demon blood. But in the Lords of War video linked, you see that exact thing happening which results in Durotan not even realizing he murdered his wolf companion until he snaps out of it. That’s the issue Baal had.


I think Frosthawk laid out what the issue was with that - that we were talking past each other, and about different things. Smalloiz and I were referring to the Orcs’ aggressive, warlike tendencies, which at the time WoD was being discussed, and in the popular discussion of WoD, is normally what gets criticized. The Blood Frenzy being referred to is a far more specific thing, and does not explain the Orcs’ broader strategic goals, methods, and ideology.

My God! How did anyone have any productive conversation on these boards before you came along?


Fair enough. I think I was reading too quickly when trying to catch up and missed that being acknowledged when Frosthawk posted that.

And what is the truth? And medium we check from twitter to fan forums think the story is a joke.
Most youtube videos are mocking the cinematics… like where is this overwhelming positive reception? I just dont see it

All I remember is that a couple of Naaru were so touched by our dedication to one Paladin that they saved him from Death while taking him to their Paradise.

After that the same thing happened when we came to the rescue of a Draenei Child named Uuna!

There was no mention of any Light Afterlife for anyone besides those we Players have gone to extreme lengths to save!

The Light it seems claims those whom the powerful seek the rescue of. We Players have made a name for ourselves so those we’d go to any lengths for are worth securing as far as the Light is concerned!