Why are people so mad with Shadowlands story?

Projecting much?

A bunch don’t. And those that don’t still argue today that it wasn’t a W for the Alliance or Night Elves…


Projecting what?

So what they don’t? We can agree they are wrong. Just because they don’t doesn’t mean we have to double down on bad takes too.

Personally, I have never once stated that Alliance (and specifically Night elf) fans should be happy with Tyrande killing Nathanos. Only that, at least, it was a step in the right direction in that those responsible for some of their heartache were being addressed.

I agree. This issue cuts both ways and comes down to poor execution on Blizzard’s part.


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I can see that point, and that’s a fair one to make.

Despite us often agreeing on things in the past, I honestly spent several seconds tempted to perma ignore you that.

I can’t speak for anyone else who plays Horde characters (and I’ve always pointed out that I’ve always played both factions), but that’s how I FEEL about the boiling dog#### of a story BFA sprayed in my face.

EDIT: Blizz Dev- “Look, it makes them feel emotions! That’s a good thing!”

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Nathanos should have died in Darkshore but I don’t think the Horde players would have been alright if Tyrande killed him before the Darkshore warfront.

I mean, we caught a lot of abuse from Horde fans when his actual death was announced.

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Nathanos should have died in Vanilla.



I mean he already flat out told us he comes for the soul of our world. And yeah i guess the realm of the dead might have a few seals or places we don’t know about, considering you know realm of the dead. Not everyone is as disconnected as you think. Invoking athas memories for players who played then isn’t a bad thing. Expanding on the lore in ways we didn’t know about then and are finding out now doest ruin or in validate anything.

Seriously, I am more than a bit worried that Blizzard execs saw all the “engagement” that the WoT provided and will be back to draw from that well sooner or later.


Hot take here. WoT was fine as a piece of story telling.

The events surrounding why it happened and how we got there could have definitely been improved.

The problem is mostly the fallout from it and the finale that was supposed to make up for it.

If Shadowland’s Arendwald is supposed to fill for the Night Elf finale for their issues because they mostly got ignored in BFA then wow what a serious miscalculation.

If this was a show or a movie where we can see the full story and its conclusion in one or two hours the engagement will be very similar to all the trolling season 8 of GoT achieved.


I understand thats how You feel. But I’m not going to sit here, like everyone else and pretend it wasn’t a horde victory. Ignore me over that if you want, but that’s petty. :wolf:

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You know the writers did a very good job when literally nobody* is happy about it. :slight_smile:

*I’m ignoring Erevien on this

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I know, it just annoys me to no end the people who want IGNORE content because they aren’t happy with it. Like it sucks, but it’s stupid to sit there and act like it never took place you know? :wolf:

Opinions go in all ways. It might not be as connected as you think.

iirc Dalora said that. With Zovaal it “to reclaim what is his”. Which is as vague as it could be. And Azeroth is very unlikely to fit the bill.

looks at the former afterlife stories of draenei, orcs, tauren, night elves


It could’ve been. With a proper set up. And the rest of the narrative being in line with what’s advertised. Butt…

gl hf

I don’t see anybody ignoring that it happened, only disregarding what seems to be an implicit assertion that you need to enjoy it. That’s the only reason to call these moments a power fantasy instead of something more plain like a military conquest.


I personally never claimed the WOT was a power fantasy for anyone. Just that it was in fact a military victory for the horde. Like, I get people don’t like that fact, but nothings going to change that, you know? :wolf:

I mean, when it was coming out - I remember seeing scores of triumphalist comments rubbing it into the faces of Night Elf fans - and we still get that to this day. We still get trash talked over it, people make mean spirited jokes about it. It’s still lorded over us as an indication as to why the Night Elves are essentially irrelevant trash.

So, someone clearly is enjoying it - even if those same people will turn around when challenged and claim that they actually didn’t want the War of the Thorns and that the real issue is about how the Horde was made to feel bad about the incident.


I really think you’re overselling the power fantasy angle here. The invasion was framed pretty explicitly as a bar fight crotch kick. Effective, yes, but not the sort of thing you’re proud of.

And then the ending was just horrific. And the actual War of Thorns was being done pretty well. The game gave you personal agency in how brutal or honorable this war would be. Explicitly in quests like the attack on Astranaar. But there were other moments where you could spare enemy soldiers. I was actually a little annoyed the story rail roaded you into saving all the civilians at Auberdine because showing mercy when I had the option of cruelty had been more meaningful.

And then

We got the Warbringers cinematic. And to Blizz’s credit it certainly left me speechless and mouth agape. Just not in the way they hoped for I suspect. I almost didn’t want the Undercity Plaguebat quest reward. Felt like I was taking a blood money bribe.


My ancestors smile at me Imperial can you say the same?