Why are people so mad with Shadowlands story?


Was Lordaeron a power fantasy for the Alliance? It’s simply a very bad story.
Tell me what exactly was so “Horde power yeah” during this nonsensical war? The burning? Ah.

One “Horde” power fantasy moment was:


I mean, I think Smallioz is right in that it’s a semi-mirror of the War of Thorns; each faction lures the other’s army away for a blitz attack that goes pear-shaped at the end. I don’t think it’s unfair for some alliance players to not feel like that’s a victory, although it might be offset by if you you thought Mechatorque and Jaina were awesome in their boss fights to stall the horde during the retreat. I don’t remember the alliance feeling mournful of being bad people as a result of it, though; that thing about them “not becoming as bad as the banshee” was just self-flattering navel-gazing about how moral they are, instead of guilt.


Lordaeron was definitely an Alliance power fantasy until the very last moment when Sylvanas (the horde) just lol’d and farted green in our face before yeeting away.

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And there is presumably people out there happy with the Worgen Heritage Armor questline and the Night Elf story.
Pointless way of arguing.

The Saurfang story makes it pretty clear the Horde is ultimately not supposed to feel good about the War of Thorns, even if Blizzard failed to expect the amount of people not happy with it right away.


I mean…the fact that you’re actively ignoring the fact that some people did LOVE the WoT horde side….is disturbing. But sure bud, I mean if being that ignorant about it helps you sleep at night, you do you. :wolf:


??? Are people saying the WoT didn’t happen?

Only to Alliance and a few fringe elements.



The Horde outsmarted the Night Elves thats why they weren’t there.

When Alexander outsmarted his foes with superior tactics and strategy they called him Great. Why can’t similar achievements be accepted here?

No they refuse to accept that it is something of a Horde achievement please see above for an example.

And its this mentality that makes community reception of any restitution for players impossible even if Blizzard was receptive to the idea.
So Night Elf players have to enjoy Tyrande killing some empty suits of armor or some other Jailer minion nobody cares about instead of Horde grunts fighting Tyrande in Azshara as she cuts through them towards Orgrimmar.

So it’s It’s a win…unless we horde players collectively close our eyes and pretend it didn’t happen right?

Because like….the WoT was a big show of force for the horde, it’s really irrelevant if someone personally liked it or loathed it. :wolf:

We’re still stuck with the consequences of it.

The writers needed to tell a story that’s why the Night Elves weren’t there. Just like the Xenodar not being there, conveniently.

Because they don’t see it as an actual achievement for reasons that have been brought up numerous times.

Kind of like when it came out that Lance Armstrong was doping. People shouldn’t be salty that he won through questionable means because he still won. They need to acknowledge his accomplishment, right?

She killed Nathanos. In a cinematic (cut scene). Why are so many not acknowledging that?



so what? some people are some people. they aren’t ME. they aren’t you.

I’m sure there are some Alliance players who like how so much of the story focus is on Anduin. Does that force your opinion to match?

…for Sylvanas, for the Jailer, for the Maw. The Horde were morons who got used.

I see it the other way. If we’re trying to measure if something was a power fantasy, I think player reception is the most important metric to go by. I’d agree if the topic was just a dry discussion of whether or not the horde overpowered night elf civilians, but stuff like power fantasy is an appeal directly to enjoyment, which is subjective.


I asked the same thing about Tyrande killing Nathanos.

Very clearly a win for the Alliance but more specifically, the Night Elves.

Few Night elf posters acknowledge it as a win or a positive for the night elves.



Loved? I don’t think a single Horde player loved it. Might be wrong sure. Some view like anything.

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No. But sitting there and pretending those people aren’t out there is an entirely different matter. And I’m sure there are people out there alliance side. But I’m not going to sit here, close my eyes and pretend it’s not a thing.

Truthfully? Probably because he shouldn’t have gotten away the first time is the major complaint I’ve seen.

Though the cinematic was pretty cool, at least to me. :wolf:

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Fixed it for you bud.

But in the Lore the Nightelves were tricked by the Horde. Why not accept it?
Just because the writers wanted to tell a Horde goes roar story doesn’t diminish that.

Lance cheated established rules. The Horde did no such thing and this attitude is exactly what Micah and many others are complaining about that you guys refuse to even acknowledge. Just take the W and let the NEs have theirs for gods sake.

They do, but by that point he had already left the Horde and since she failed to kill him the first time and he specifically went there to die for some bigger plan really sours mood you know? Its like even the win has to be a charity given by the Horde rather than won by their own strength and merit.
Besides personally I found the cinematic really on the cheap side. Just two characters in a dark fog? Really?


Right! It was numerous things that made it feel less like a positive.

It happened too late.

Nathanos was being smarmy.

Nathanos said he wanted it to happen.

Nathanos wasn’t at full health.




Nathanos is a win, but in the grand scheme of things it’s an extremely minor win that in no way compensates for the damage that was done to the race, or pushes the ball down the field in the way of things that need to be fixed.


Yeah well, those people are simply wrong, because they don’t know Nathanos as a character and him provoking Tyrande is something he would have done/did successfully do.

Anything else would have been out of character for him :wolf: