Why are people so mad with Shadowlands story?

Once more for you. No. In no way what so ever.

Perhaps the devs were delusional enough to think otherwise, no idea.


I disagree.

The other reason I disagree is because I see the Greymane Wall as being a defensible barrier to split the two - I don’t see those same barriers in Silverpine, and instead see the Worgen holdings as pockets that could end up being unsupportable in the event of a Forsaken drive.

So, we should certainly see a retaking and a rebirth of Gilneas (and actually see it), but I can’t go with you if you’re saying that the Worgen should have a split arrangement in Silverpine. I think that’s going too far.

But if Night Elves kick the Horde’s butt in 3 zones and burn down the entire zone of Durotar… it IS an Alliance power fantasy?

That’s fine you disagree. I was actually happy to read that Ivar and Co were carving out a bit of old gilnean territory for themselves. :wolf:

Silly question time?
Depends on the execution and the story.
It’s also not a thing the Alliance has done before in WoW’s life time (not really) and is not likley to give you a Garrosh flashback.

It really depends on how Alliance players would feel about it.
For some sure. For most perhaps not. If it would be like the WoT than not really, no.


So in short… for me it doesn’t count but it counts for Alliance players based entirely on your personal feelings.

Roger that. No hypocrisy here.

This is exactly what Micah was referencing by the way that Horde players refuse to acknowledge the Ws that Blizzard gives them.


If its presented as mainly being possible because the Horde army is elsewhere, that Horde leaders could single handedly put a stop to the whole thing if given a chance, and receive heavy losses just from regular workers…?
More importantly if a beloved Alliance character is shown freaking out about how awful what they are doing is and how the Horde will be coming for them all, and going “too many” about the amount of civilian deaths…?

Then no, it would not be a power fantasy.

Trampling over Horde forces and wrecking Durotar with a presentation that talks about feeling their revenge is sated with no sense of any Alliance characters being a villain because of it? Then it would be a power fantasy.


No hypocrisy at all no, beaus I can’t answer something that’s not existent and I really don’t know how you would write it. Something like that can easily become one sided. But once more.

If it’s like the War of Thorns, then no it won’t be.

Gee, come down and read what’s actually there.

The Horde forces were elsewhere too for Battle for Dazarlor.
When the battle was over the Alliance characters were lamenting the situation.

So… was BoD the WoT for Alliance?

Idk if this counts but Andiun and Genn were sad that so many soldiers are dying and they can barely hold the Horde back.

Damn I wish Alliance could even claim half the wins Horde has and still not count it as a power fantasy.

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You seem to have some kind of a problem.


He’s not wrong though…It always boil down the same old tired excuse of It doesn’t count because we as horde players don’t like it.

There’s plenty of stuff I loathe, but I accept the fact that it happened and try to talk about why it happened, instead this sad attempt at shutting down all conversation around certain events. :wolf:

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Idk its just crazy to me Horde players can have gameplay experience of marching in Alliance territory and then burn an entire zone down for their player experience but… it doesn’t count.

And then when NEs ask for their own big bad MFs moment the same people who got the experience say they dont deserve it or something similar.

Its kind of like getting an ice cream and when its the other kids turn you cry why should they get theirs and it fair.


In as much as it failed to accomplish the Alliance’s primary goal, wasted a lot of their resources in the bargain, and fell flat on it’s face as a ‘cool fist-pump moment’ for the people it was supposed to please, YES.


There is no comprehended anything about BoD.
Nothing about the Alliance strategy made sense.

Why they didn’t blow the ships discretely, do something else to make it clear it the Alliance doing it to further scare them and then bail is beyond me.

If the goal was to prevent an alliance with the Horde, killing their king and looting their treasury is the literally worst way to do that since they left the Princess that wanted to get the Horde involved with her kingdom to begin with alive.

My impression is that the Horde army being distracted was only necessary as far as avoiding a costly, grindy battle trying to hold the throne room for their attempt to force the king to surrender.


Weird isn’t it. That the BoT is supposed to be some huge, fist-pumping, feel good moment for Horde players… and then the story does its best to make us feel bad about being Horde…

But, I get it. You Alliance are better than us uncultured Horde-folk and you’re just here to save us from ourselves educate us on how we’re supposed to feel about things, right?



Not at all. Sure in the sense of the story the Horde did win at Teldrassil, that’s out of the question.

Suggesting it was a Horde power fantasy though is simply silly.


Ah like Lordaeron eh… lol


As I pointed out to Baal in this very thread, to some people it was a power fantasy. And we don’t get to pretend these people aren’t out there. :wolf:

No I really like having my character watch an atrocity happen with no agency, then having one of my favorite lore characters turn into a mopey hermit until Anduin teaches him the meaning of honor.

Definitely gets the ol’ power fantasy glands juicing.


Idk about feel good but its definitely a “look at what Horde can do”.

No its just frustrating that no matter how much people claim what a huge deal WoT and the Horde achievement was some people here refuse to acknowledge its significance or existence.
Meaning that WoT is a big cool Horde is strong moment. Whether the players liked it or not.

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