Why are people so mad with Shadowlands story?

I’m probably jumping on a landmine for this question but why doesn’t Lordaeron count for this? Sure, it was deus ex as hell, but even if Sylvanas was the one to pull the plunger, the story had it so that she was driven to that point as a last ditch effort to win and still failed anyway. Now Lordaeron’s in the same state as Gilneas (maybe worse if they decide the latter isn’t plagued after all) and even lost some territory if you go by that EK book.


It would probably be fair that I’m replying to a sentiment in general rather than to you specifically, and I should be more careful about that. But to explain further - the problem that I have with the “we were hurt too” sentiment - is that it’s often used to justify why the Night Elves should just be left in the position that they are forever.

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Point is, it still happened, and NE and Worgen fans were screwed out of any sort satisfactory conclusion for such an horrific event :wolf:

We are talking about the Horde power fantasy and the arguments people make for why it doesn’t count.

It’s not that Lordaeron doesn’t count per se, it just wan’t this sort of massive victory that some people make it out to be is all. :wolf:

Don’t get me wrong, in the end the Forsaken got screwed too. I’m all for them reclaiming their former territories. Long as Ivar and co get to keep Fenris Isle and Shadowfang Keep. But that’s my totally biased opinion :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

What the Alliance at least don’t receive is fundamental shaming of their identity. No plot where a seeming majority of your race apparently supports fascism. Did Anduin need to be told the Alliance isn’t actually just the legacy of Arthas? Did Alliance soldiers get killed in a context that screams “they deserve that”? Did Alliance ARs compare the faction they just joined to the Legion or just flat out show regret for joining?

This is why people like me and a number of other Horde story fans get tired of Teldrassil talk. Its a giant anvil Blizzard forced on our back and a number of Night Elf posters start feeling like harpies sent to be further punishment.

Your faction only seeming barely strong enough, and relying on plot convenience and luck to do so, to set up the real villain that is actually their current leader for committing genocide is not a point of pride.



But it’s not related to my comment at all. I am all for a better conclusion and for more revenge and a better story for the Night Elves.

So not about BfA then, got it. :slight_smile:

Lordaeron does count - just not for Night Elves. The forsaken need resolution for this as well, and as I’ve indicated before, I fully support a forsaken reconquest here.

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Looks at the Worgen heritage armor quest… I mean if you say so about the whole shaming thing. I’mma exit left on this one.

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So… you are one of those that says “boohoo I didn’t win hard enough so WoT doesnt count!”

I really don’t think that’s ever going to fully happen because part of Silverpine involved worgen which (if I understand correctly) were retconned into being Gilnean property, so part of that zone is now repartitioned for both factions to have a stake where before it was just forsaken. It’d be like if bits of Darkshore were carved off for horde to have a valid claim.

Unless you’re referring to Gilneas as being technically part of the Silverpine zone, I don’t sympathize with this point. I see no reason why the Forsaken should not be able to secure everything north of the Greymane wall.

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Because that’s an area involving a playable alliance race now.

So, we’re ignoring the fact that Ivar and Co essentially kicked the forsaken out of Fenris Isle and Shadowfang Keep? Like…I’m tired of the worgen being on the loosing end of things. :wolf:

You can’t be serious. What is it with you on such topics?

So in short to your question. No.
Garrosh 2.0 is not fun for Horde players.

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I’m still confused. Why does this make Pyrewood Village untouchable?

I’m not ignoring that, but I think this would be going too far. Silverpine is the Forsaken 10-20 zone - and they should have undisputed control of that. I have to accept a similar loss in the form of Azshara.

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It’s canonically split between the Foraken and Gilneans, as it should’ve been during Cata. I’m all for the forsaken conquering their territories, I’m against it being at the expense of the Worgen, for a THIRD time. :wolf:

That is not the question I asked.
Its really simple.

Was WoT a tribute to the Horde power fantasy. Its a yes or no question.

Honestly while I know another 1-50 revamp is never gonna happen, especially since Blizzard put in the work for players to level in old expansions, I feel another huge old world revamp is literally the only way to make everyone* happy.

*ok, a majority of people. Some people will never be happy.

Then you could realistically show off actual changes in the world since cata. Give Gilneans Gilneas. Show Ashenvale with the lumber camps gone and big fortifications guarding the way into and out of Ashenvale on both sides. Show Orgrimmar having an actual industrial backbone like what the Iron horde had (Seriously, give me a train running from Bilgewater Harbor all the way down to the Southern Barrens.). Show the Echo Isles being an actual world capitol, specifically with trolls from various other clans coming and going. Show Gnomer reborn… etc.