Why are people so mad with Shadowlands story?

Still doesn’t change the fact that were numerous horde fans on social media cheering the genocide of the night elves. People need to seriously stop pretending these people don’t exist. :wolf:

Sure Kyalin

No but the Ereviens of the world are neither the majority nor default


They’re still out there and people like you and waygs pretending they don’t exist, helps no one. :wolf:

Erevien is not, and has never been the only one.

This is why I get frustrated. I do not hesitate to call out people on my side when they say things like “let’s destroy Orgrimmar”, but I largely don’t see that happening on the other side except in the one case where it’s too ridiculous to ignore.

They exist.

Elluriah framed it as the default or majority.

Do you believe that is correct?

Frankly? I don’t know.

I used to say that it wasn’t - but even among the people who claim to not be those people, I still detect undercurrents like “this atrocity would have been fine if only we weren’t presented as bad for it”. There’s a lot of “this is bad but… [answer that benefits the Horde and screws over the Alliance]” flying around.

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Lmao okay kyalin

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No. But failing to realize that there a LOT of people in the world who share Ereviens point of view on things, but never express them online is a dangerous mind set to have.

And like Kyalin said, there has been a lot of “Teldrassil was bad…buuut”. Sometimes you to have to read between the lines and notice what people AREN’T saying out loud, but you know they’re thinking it. :wolf:

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Sure a lot is still not the majority and shouldn’t be framed as such

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Fine, her framing of it could’ve been better, but her point still stands. :wolf:


Does it really matter how popular it is to kill and burn Night Elves with Horde fans?

Narratively the Horde outsmarted the Night Elves and Alliance.
Attacked them with brutal efficiency where they conquered a couple zones and burned an entire zone down to ash.

I am sure some Horde players are miffed they achieved this feat by out numbering their opponent and the opponent managed to delay them a little bit but come on that excuse is more petty than the Night Elf fans “woe is me my fav race is gone” complaints. Oh boohoo I didn’t win even harder so it doesnt count! :roll_eyes: really?

Alliance and Night Elf fans would kill to have a win half as conclusive than what the Horde get.

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Elluriah’s framing of things didn’t lay out what the majority was for what suite of arguments - the latter being important as there’s an incentive to exclude elements to move things around. She pointed out that the Night Elves’ interests were sacrificed for a Horde power fantasy (which conquering your enemies utterly certainly is - and Horde players have called for that ever since the faction existed) and for Human players to “go deus vult through Lordaeron” - which is also true.

The point being that we were explicitly and cynically sacrificed for other playerbases, who now don’t want to give an inch on resolving the damage they’ve done to what we liked. The Night Elves in the meantime are left with pretty much nothing - so the question that Elluriah asks in terms of motivation to play the game is certainly warranted. Quoting her:


Blizzcon’s Audience of Horde players that shelled the cash to fly to and attend said Blizzcon and then sit there and cheer for the Burning of Teldrassil is more representative of the Horde Playerbase than the handful of lore nerds posting on the story forums.

I know people explained this multiple times to you and I know you get it. Horde fans don’t mean it in such a way.
They mean: Blizzard made us to do it. We had no option out of this. The story sucks. We don’t like what happened, or even why it happened and this story sucks for everyone.


“And therefore we shouldn’t fix anything for the Night Elves.”

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It still happened and the NE and Worgen fans were never allowed any sort of proper retribution for said action. Said it once already, I’ll say it again You don’t get to pretend you have worse when horde players know exactly what NE and Worgen fans have been through the last 10+ Yrs. :wolf:

One point I want to bring up - it might look like a nitpick, but it’s important.

The question here is not “who had it worse”. We’re comparing apples to oranges at the best of times, and that obscures discussion on solutions.

The problem here is the default blocking of solutions because people don’t want to give an inch. Sure, we get a lot of people saying that they feel bad that the Horde participated in the War of the Thorns, but those same people will deny every proposed solution to reverse the impressions that it left, and will defend its reasonability because it’s still important to them to keep that moment as something that underlines Horde prowess. That’s more important to them than it is to fix things.

I’d say it would be the same if the Alliance demanded absolute moral superiority for everything going forward, but Alliance players generally on these boards are willing to compromise that point in exchange for content that allows them to strike back.


What are you on about?
It’s nothing the Horde players decided. It’s not a story anyone in the Horde could get behind, because it was Garrosh 2.0 and we had enough of it from the start. It was once more villain batting the Horde.

That’s a completly different topic and doesn’t stand in any contradiction to my statment what so ever.

In fact I was happy to see Tyrande not listening to Anduin and continuing the war. I was glad to see a little bit more of the old Night Elves, no matter how little it was. I also think the story should not have ended the way it did and this nonsense in SL is not enough. I sated all of those things in the forums before.
So a very strange response from both of you.

I admit I could have phrased it better, other than that you’re correct. It always boils down to We don’t mind you guys getting more content, but here’s the 400 reasons why you’re wrong and it can’t actually be allowed

I’m still waiting for retribution for gilneas after all. :wolf: