Why are people excited for the stress test?

I could understand if you got a beta invite. Yes that would make everyones day. But from what ive seen if you get a stress test invite and show up to it, youre not automatically invited to beta. Playing a toon all the way to the exciting lvl 5 just seems like a waste of time. It would make more sense if blizzard decided that if the servers can handle it then all the people who helped test get a beta invite. From what ive seen and read thats just not the case.


The point of the stress test is to give them information on what’s going to break.

Then they take away the stress, fix the bits that are breaking, and try again in a month. And then repeat and try again a month later. All this “I only get to level 5 then lose it” nonsense is frankly offensive to those of us who want to make the game as good as it can be on launch and didn’t get randomly picked.

You never should have opted in if the game isn’t worth your “valuable” time.


I do want the game to be as good as it is on launch. You’re completely overlooking the part where i said “It would make sense if blizzard decided that if the servers can handle it then all the people who helped test get a beta invite.” Because if you helped with the testing (free labor) then why shouldn’t blizzard throw you a bone?

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  1. I genuinely want to help make the game better
  2. I’ve been in WoW stress tests before, and they can be fun

It’s a shame that generally people “opt in” for a freebie pass to play the game. I agree, people should be testing things more and reporting actual bugs.

It seems like a lot of beta invitees have either forgotten what it was like, and can’t spot a bug if it flew into their eye, or they’ve never played blizz vanilla before.


cause if you get in the stress test you prolly have a better chance to get in the actual beta :sob:

Because the point of a stress test is not a beta invite. They expect the server to fall over during the stress test. If they didn’t kick everyone back out afterwards, it would keep falling over, negating the entire rest of the beta…

Could be fun. Maybe they’ll spawn in some Hoggers for massive level 5 raid. That is what I’d do anyways


That’t not confirmed anywhere by any post. And if that is the case just come out and say it.

They did things like that for the WoD stress test.

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I just got home and saw i got mine, and for me, it feels like I just got into some sort of exclusive club that only the elite members of society get into, like Costco or Sam’s Club.


“It would make sense if blizzard decided that if the servers can handle it then all the people who helped test get a beta invite.” do you read?


Yeah I remember them doing some stuff with Nomi on the PTR too.

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“The servers are able to handle the stress test, this means that blizzard must give a beta invite to everyone who participated in the stress test because thats what makes sense”


I suspect there is a better chance in getting selected for beta if you play during the stress test.

Unfortunately it’s a small time frame but it’s a must log in for those that got in. (imo).

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It doesn’t work like that… Do you Understand?

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Holy moly. Obviously if the server crashes over and over they dont send out mass invites. But if it ------> DOESNT <---------- why shouldnt testers receive some bit of a reward? They’re dangling a carrot on a stick without a carrot


That is the damn point of the stress test. They’re sending out mass invites to make it fall over!

Classic not crashing on August 27th is your carrot. Anything more is back to the overweening entitlement of some people.


I’m excited to see how the forums will be on fire when the stress test ends and people’s access to classic servers are revoked.

“WTF Blizzard… I thought I was invited to beta!”.

It will be the saltiest day in gaming history, we will be gathering salt for generations to come.


Nothing is set in stone. Maybe Blizz will invite those that did the stress test. Maybe after the stress test is over they will let the selected continue.
I think they should do this as their schedule date are set.

Come on Blizz
Stress test 1 - those invited get to continue on with their stress beta toon until release date.
Stress test 2 - those invited same thing, etc.
Lets cross our fingers.
I will be streaming this regardless.

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