Why are people allowed to troll/throw/grief random BG with no consequence?

Where in my post does it even imply I can only have fun when winning? I absolutely can have fun and lose if the game is competitive. My problem is the people who don’t care to even try to win, and anyone who exhibits any care in the world gets slammed for it by trolls who are just there to screw around and waste others’ time.

Internet psychology degrees don’t matter.


I play bg’s to have fun firstly, that said, winning is the most fun. I try to not nerd rage around pvp related things, but I have been known to yell at the clouds once or twice in my tenure of this game. Honestly though, 1 bad player can’t ruin your random bg. The chance that everyone on each team is playing great, and that the one bad guy is causing the loss is laughable. The opposite however can be said for a great dps and a great healer. If you have 1 or 2 dps that can pump and even a half competent healer, your chances of winning go up ten fold.

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To be fair… If you aren’t making a difference on a losing team in Honor Gear, then you probably won’t make much of a difference on the same team in full conquest gear. If gear were equalized (which I’m an advocate for btw) then I think most people’s win/loss percentages will remain roughly the same.

Yeah people should have full honor gear by the time they ding 70, you make it sound like it is hard to do. When I was leveling my DK I must have hit capped Honor like 5 times.

No there shouldn’t be item level scaling, this is an MMO and is geared based. And yes it isn’t asking for much to have enough honor points for basic PvP gear. Just an excuse to be lazy.

Then there shouldn’t be level scaling either, and no xp-off, and… Tons of other things since it’s an RPG. Asking people to level in BGs, which is the slowest method of leveling as well as absolutely riddled with people exploiting is no thanks.

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I can’t say that I agree with your issue here because you are talking about unrated PvP which literally doesn’t matter you don’t lose anything if you lose. Luckily this is a non issue in Rated PvP since you are required to reach a certain pvp ilvl to even do Rated so maybe you should just start doing rated?

Give me a break, I got from 67-70 within an hour doing BGS. Just an excuse to be lazy and hinder your team. BTW, there is also AH greens and something called EPIC BGs and also EPIC BG communities that will get you honor gear within hours of dinging 70.

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Personally, what I do is save my honor so when I reach 70 I just YOLO Rated BGs which is a faster way of getting Conquest. The other thing I notice is the discrepancy in gear especially when it comes to healers. Unless I group up with friends, I get healers who are 200k-300k health, then when I look at the Alliance healers they are almost full conquest gear. Majority of the time ends up as a loss.