Why are people allowed to troll/throw/grief random BG with no consequence?

It is slow . But you need to do the last couple of levels via BG’s to not get destroyed when you are 70 or buy crafted gear


Which is 100% true. Should I link speed leveling videos now to disprove you that no speed leveler levels via BGS proving them being slower? Not only are they slower, it’s not fun facing 69 xp-off twinks exploiting to get into xp-on BGs nor is it fun to face level 70’s scaling down.


It took me 3 victories and ding level 70, what part of that did you not understand. This coming from the guy who said he went from 67-70 in 30 minutes, okay guy sure!

If you queue dungeons pre 67 you will be fine, today half my team on each battleground had 200k-350k health, while Alliance had 600k-700k+ So are you saying it is more important to ding 70 and be a hindrance to your team, than take a few minutes longer, be responsible, and be able to have a full honor set when you ding 70?

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Instead of blaming the players for just, you know, queuing up for random battlegrounds like normal, we should be asking the developers for improvements to PvP systems to make it a more enjoyable, and fair, experience for everyone.

It’s easy to blame the healer with 200k health, but doing that won’t solve anything. Instead point out to the developers that this is an issue and tell them it doesn’t feel good and needs improvements.
Said improvements could be some kind of loose matchmaking rating, scaling undergeared players up higher in battlegrounds, rated solo queues so well geared players are less likely to queue into random battlegrounds, or any number of other possible solutions.

Anything to do the following:

  • Make getting into PvP less frustrating and more fun. The more people that play PvP, the more the developers will focus on developing PvP, and the shorter the queue times will be. Seeing people getting yelled at for being under geared will make players not want to even try battlegrounds.
  • Improve matchmaking and rewards, so players feel like matches are more fair and feel their contributions to a match can affect the outcome instead of feeling powerless.
  • Add more cosmetic rewards to doing battlegrounds and other unrated and rated PvP. The idea is not to force anyone to do battlegrounds who otherwise would not do it, but rather make doing battlegrounds feel good to those who do enjoy them by giving them some cool looking rewards for their time investment.
  • Fix exploitable battlegrounds and matchmaking systems, such as one team being able to reach a flag faster, party synced 70’s one shotting others in low level battlegrounds, and queue syncs that allow for a full premade raid to queue against a random team.

If you make people feel like they have some agency and control over the outcome of a battleground match and that their personal performance actually means something, you will see more people doing battlegrounds and recommending to others to do them too.
In its current state, I would not recommend WoW’s PvP to anyone. I would tell people to just play a different game if they are looking for FUN PvP combat. Let’s make WoW PvP actually fun by removing some of the stupid obstacles and barriers to entry, and fixing the underlying systems that lead to issues like 200k health healers going up against 600k healers.

Because a healer with 200k health is not the problem, it’s the symptom.


im always up for more cosmetics

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That’s peoples choices, if you don’t want anyone on your team to be under a certain ilvl - premade groups. BGs are for farming gear.

I play bgs for fun


You dont make it to 1500 honor level farming gear

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That is correct

SAME!! AND was questing while waiting between so not ALL my leveling was in BGs. Full set with leftover honor… Working on spamming epics now for conquest gear the next couple days.


No, not for everyone. I do Rated so I can chill on the weekends and do random battlegrounds. Honor gear should be attainable by level 70, and that is also why there are EPIC BGS.

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No, rated battlegrounds are for fully geared. Sorry to burst peoples bubbles

Actually, you didn’t burst my bubble. I actually do Rated when I ding and use them to gear quicker, that way on the weekends I can chill and do Random.

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nah sometimes ppl dont want to do rated and thats ok , luckily for you , you dont make the rules nor tell ppl what to do .

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Most of the people that ‘love’ doing reg and epics it’s to stomp on undergeared players, also why you would see the same people that like them tend to exploit into leveling bgs with overpowered gear/talents to make those ones unbearable too.

Also you:

“People should have FULL GEAR by the TIME they hit max level!!” You liked that post as endorsement. You try to tell people what to do constantly.

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Rated battlegrounds are for whoever wants to do them
Random battlegrounds are for whoever wants to do them.


Sure, closer to what I mean. If you want everyone to be fully geared, you can expect that more in rated battlegrounds. Random battlegrounds needs an ilvl bracket for it or just scaling people up more, but people saying you should have a full set of gear before 70 are silly.

thats hardly true , most ppl just enjoy to do some bgs for conquest and casually play . no one really cares much to stomp ppl . lowbie party syncers do tho the lvl 70s in lvl 10 brackets do . As for normal lvl 70s that just group with friends nah hardly the case .

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Id say more people do it for the same reason i do. Group simulator (lfg) is a huge timesync. Spend 30min to get a group together that disbands after one game. Or i can just que up a bg and play that. Arena isnt bad dont get me wrong but its not my favorite form of pvp in this game. I like objective based pvp moreso than tdm. If there was a way to solo que for rated bgs id be sitting in that que instead but it doesnt exist