Why are people against more options?

Took like 3 replies to get the high elf responses going lmao. You guys are something else.


Blizz said they wanted people to play how they look. How many bright neon pink humans do you see walking around?

meant character customization obviously, its easy to take that away with the rest that ive said.

Story is universal it cant just be changed around by each player, that’s stupid.


Can I have the option to look exactly like a stick of pink cotton candy?

Options are great as long as they are not taken too far.


I think in regards to the human customization a lot of it stems to them being racist.
Stuff like this is really showing us exactly who the garbage humans are.


If you want lore as monotoned as res vs blue why dont you just play TF2? Has about the same lore complexity lol

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what are you even talking about?

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I see them about as often as I see Native American Minotaurs.
And 9 foot tall, betusked Jamaicans.
And posh werewolves.

Okay good point, I should reword it to the options being largely suggested.

-_- I meant with humans in game. They want the humans to look like however you look

Sorry you don’t care about the most important topic in Warcraft.

If you don’t get it, you are never going to get it. I really dont know how else I can explain.

Hate to get the ball rolling on this early, but Blood Elves are High Elves. If you sequenced the genome of a Blood Elf and a High Elf and compared them i’d guarantee it would be a 100% match.

The timeframe in which they’ve distanced their associations from each other is extremely negligible, their populations have not been selected for any specific trait that makes them dissimilar in any way, and to top it all off
 Their populations are still in physical contact with each other.

The renaming of the High Elves to Blood Elves was never meant to be anything more than an honorific attributed to those that fell in defense of their kingdom after a near extinction-level event. A faction of High Elves associate with the Alliance, but the overwhelming bulk of the remaining High Elves throw their lot in with the Horde.

I started the fire and will bear the weight of general’s hatred of these facts.


The thing is you didn’t explain though


lol other people being able to make humans how they look doesn’t hurt my ability to make humans how I look.

More customization is always better. And having a Draenei look like a pink flamingo doesn’t hurt anyone, so bring on as many customizations as you can think of I say.

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Look at this clown, can’t even read minds.

More than a couple, but that’s meaningless. High elves are still in the alliance and the ones in the horde have changed to blood elves.

But why is this applied to non-human races? seems that the main attractive of new human customization was supposed to be new etnicities, specially since they don’t seem to be getting any new caucasian customization, then they just give this to other races so humans aren’t even getting something special.

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wasn’t even talking to you lol bye

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Red orcs should have been a thing when we got the Mag’har choice. An outlands quest to get them fel orcs in the horde!

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