Why are people able to queue heals and switch to DPS in Raid Finder?

Because it allows the group flexibility/ options. You may be overhealing or underhealing based on group performance. As another said, the group might have 5 overgeared healers so it allows you to swap x # of them to dps and be more effective. That or perhaps a fight merits a 3-tank strat.

Now, the unfortunate side effect is it also allows for degeneracy/abuse. But, whats also what vote kicking is for.

So, in order to allow freedom/flexibility you have to take both outcomes.

(Granted I will say there are few applications to most of these, but thats your answer).

Why are people switching roles when not being asked? The Raid didn’t need his heals, but didn’t need his DPS either. If he wanted to switch, ask the group. Then he can preserve community good will and DPS.

But the sense of entitlement that “I will purposely queue heals and then DPS because I want to DPS” is line cutting. Why did he want to go DPS? Because for 90% of the community, DPS is more fun than healing. I play a DPS class. I tried playing healers, but I don’t enjoy healing (maybe i should check out Disc or Mistweaver).

Older players will remember the DKP system. Before personal loot, it was the default method for loot distribution. Given the limited loot and 40 raiders, it meant that people had to put in their time to have priority for what they want. Sometimes as a new member of a raid, you could get lucky and get things faster. Now picture when a healing main in a raid wanted to use his DKP to roll on DPS gear without declaring before the raid that he would be DPS loot rolling while still rolling healing main.

Getting into RF, we ‘put in our time’ in the queue. Our ‘loot’ is getting into the RF group and playing the role we want. But this healer says “no i want to DPS, but I don’t want to put in my time as DPS.” That’s analogous to what i mentioned above.

If you don’t have a problem with people cutting the line, that’s good for you. Often a majority of people will never say anything to the line-cutter, but almost everyone hates it, and most people don’t think it’s right.

Here’s the thing - even if you are ok with line cutting, don’t complain the next time someone cuts in front of you at the Drive-thru…

I like being able to swap.

Being am overgeared healer, I would ask other healer to swap to dps so i can solo heal LFR wings. Was a fun way to get vault filled for sockets.

You care way too much about this. Gets in raid sooner and ends faster. What’s not to like? And LFR healing requires one person not afk.

If people want to leech, just /follow and go afk after using like 3 abilities to act like people are present.

It was not. I was progression raiding in BC, Wrath and Cata. Only one of three guilds I raided with used DKP. The other two used Loot Council. And both Loot Councils worked very well with no drama. There was no default DKP system in the game.

Just like there was no system that locked a player to a spec in a raid.

You’ve been ranting here all day about LFR— and most of your comments are incorrect. Stop going into trivial pug content and build your own Normal group if you want complete control.

Actually, my information is correct. It’s just that you don’t agree with my opinion.

And we used DKP back in vanilla - people started using loot council later because DKP sucked. You are correct that loot council existed between DKP and more modern Blizz-implemented loot system.

Also, the content may be trivial to you but you are being dismissive and elitist to call it trivial to others. For some people this is the only raiding they get to do due to life and time constraints. For me, this is the only way I get to raid with some of my friends, even though I have AOTC. And I don’t have time and energy to Mythic raid or high M+. In my earlier days, heck ya, but now I’m perfectly content being a “filthy casual.” It’s an investment of my TIME, one of my most precious resources.

So, it’s not ‘trivial’ to me, even if I am personally far beyond Raid Finder content.

DKP is optional. You did not have to use it.

If you CHOOSE voluntarily to use it, that’s on you.

You can still use DKP today.

This isn’t about opinions. It’s fact.

There is no system that has ever kept someone from swapping specs in a raid.

There was no system at any time for default looting to ever be DKP.

So you are wrong.

No. Not everyone used DKP. There was not an in game system for DKP. If you used it, great. I ran ZG and MC and AQ20 with raids that did not use DKP.

It was not a default system within the game.

Honey, I don’t run progression content anymore and haven’t since Legion.

If you cannot comprehend that LFR is the lowest tier of raiding that gives the lowest gear and has 100% success rate built into it, then that’s a you problem.

Just like you making stuff up about default systems in the game that never existed.


I’ve never seen this, but I would hypothesize that they do this to get into an instance more quickly … instead of waiting and waiting and waiting.

Cuz people like healer Qs and not dps, probably think they are smart

This gives me flashbacks to razageth.
Most of my kills were me tanking and like 4 other people alive after 5-6 attempts.
We’d give up pinging and shot calling and just did it all with what few people either knew the fight or paid attention.
But that was also solo tank able in lfr. There are quite a few current fights which aren’t.
I have solo tanked a few bosses this season because OT never taunted once lol.

This is how PVP queues work but I don’t think it’s been in PVE for a while

This is almost never the case in LFR currently as I observe.

People don’t do mechanics on any day other than Tuesday in LFR lol. So you’ll be healing a lot.

You queued as healer, you should be healing. If heals aren’t needed, then spam wrath or whatever your damage spell is. Otherwise you’re just a line cutter.

All it takes is a few people to vote to kick, and it will pop the kick, and people will vote yes just to get it off their screen.

I rarely touch battlegrounds anymore, but I would definitely not touch them if you could end up in something where the other team is a full team of immortal healers just stalling out the match.

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It used to prevent you from switching I thought. I remember queueing as dps by accident and tried to switch back to protection since I didn’t have a 2 hander and it wouldn’t let me.

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Weird. I know that’s in place for PvP after queuing as tank once by mistake. Haven’t run into it in PvE.

Sometimes, there’s a legitimate reason, like you’ve got one or two healers hard-carrying everything and you don’t need more healers than that.

Blizzard just assumes that if you go DPS when you should be healing, just like being afk, the group will handle it.

This has baffled me as well, so many AVs without a tank… I always tried to switch just hoping one day lol