Why are people able to queue heals and switch to DPS in Raid Finder?

I remember back in a previous expansion (several expansions ago), in Raid Finder if you queued as heals and then DPSed, it wouldn’t let you or kick you or something, Why was this removed?

Had a druid queue as heals, but went balance and DPSed the entire raid, until the raid vote-kicked him.

My question is: Why is this role bait and switch still a thing? It leaves a bad taste in mouth of the community when people exploit the system. Also, why was the previous block on exploiting this removed?

A majority of the players have to wait in long queues, and we accept this, but no one like line cutters, and that’s that this is.

Are the any plans to address this or will Blizz just let people exploit the system?

And, isn’t exploiting the system a violation of terms of service?

And it was a Balance druid specifically queued as heals DPSing.


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They could just be a disc or Mistweaver and have the best of both worlds. Silly billies

AFAIK I don’t think it’s been blocked atleast in the past few years. Seen this happen since I started in 21.


Balance druid that was queued as heals

The best part is going into LFR, noticing your heals aren’t needed, switching to DPS, topping charts, then someone randomly calling you out.

Or even better. Joining a dungeon, switching to DPS, still keeping everyone alive, and someone randomly calling you out.

The great mysteries of WoW.


Because it should be up to the group to decide if it’s a problem or not.


But did you die?


The ability to change roles in LFR makes sense. So a DPS can opt to be a tank if a regular tank ran away.


This was never a thing.


no, but the group did kick him for DPSing instead of healing. That’s line cutting (queue cutting). The entire group felt that it was a d*ck move to DPS when you queued as a healer.

Blizzard used to have Role Enforcement to prevent players from exploiting the queue to get in faster as DPS, but it doesn’t seem to be working.


If the raid wasn’t failing I don’t see the issue. If you didn’t need the extra healing then the extra dps just downs the bosses faster. Your raid group was stupid.

Sounds like you’re just mad that you’re on a pure dps class and can’t do it yourself.


Queued content is really easy and at this point in the season everything falls over when you look at it. If a healer can swap to DPS it’s probably going to help you, unless the group is actually struggling and dying. But most times youre cutting off your own nose to spite your face when you kick him for “line cutting”

Oh I know. I’m just like ‘they got options if they like that’. Unfortunate :confused:

Getting LFR to kick someone who’s completely afk or directly causing wipes is so difficult I have a hard time believing this happened merely because they were dpsing.

I joined as healer in one boss and the dps was so terribly low we hit enrage… MULTIPLE TIMES. I ended up switching to dps and basically soloing the damn boss.

The augment rune wasn’t worth it.

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You don’t have to be in heal spec to queue as heals. The design assumption is that you will change to heals if and when your queue pops.

I recall once being switched into “heal spec” as a priest on a new character after a mix up. I had to drop group because it wasn’t either disc or holy, just a mixup of spells and talents.

this post radiates with hall monitor energy


This goes the other way as well.

Plenty of times I have zoned into a partial lfr run waiting on a tank. No one complained when I swapped to Prot/Blood and started pulling trash.

Can’t have one without the other… :slight_smile:

Why would you do this? He was doing you a favor.

Did they though? :thinking:

Make LFR actually have threatening mechanics so healers are a justified spot.

As it stands, they’re barely even needed in normal and in fact, probably aren’t aside from dispels once you’re even decently geared and can just burn the boss down.

Don’t need heals if the things you are fighting are dead.