Why are Paladin so tilted 24/7 All they ever do is complain about shamans

They play a class that has 5 health bars in pvp. They are basically living in a padded room. Anything that doesn’t conform to thier reality is wrong. :rofl:


that helm is on a little too tight there bud…also LOL 5 health bars plz number them for me

I know the guy who can heal 1200-2k instantly every few seconds isn’t talking about health bars


Dont forget their busted damage also, 5 sec stun and they kill you in two global!


Good thing all the FOTM sweatlords rolled orc right? And spam FaPs.


As stated before, paladins are supposed to be the Alliance’s answer to shamans. The problem: Shamans are better than paladins in quite literally every way.

Also, paladin runes are so badly designed that we are still playing in Era while shamans, and most other classes are in retail mode.



Why would they ever give anything else to paladins? Paladins were crying in p1 when they were OP so there is clearly no pleasing them so why even try? Seems like a waste of resources.

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Says the guy who misnumbers everything shamans do. It’s a satire on you paladins gaslighting shamans. Cmon, keep up.

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Blessing of Freedom and Decoy Totem. Who needs FAPs?

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what am I misnumbering?

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Paladins dps was still not great and they have always been a twink class and have more in their toolkit than others in the lower brackets so of course they were going to be good. It’s weird to me that people are okay with throwing pallies in the trashcan because they had 1 phase at the lowest level where they were good where they would have been good if unchanged classic was stuck to lvl 25 too.


Holy Paladins are still playing Era. Ret Paladins heal themself to full once and are nearly OOM. You are a silly peabrained Shaman.


They were never OP the shield slow was a bug and fixed.

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Purgeable BoF? That one? Don’t pretend like its hard to clean buffs you shaman stan lmao. Prob one of the many that rerolled to the busted class.

FAP is purgeable too.

Yeah and we have one class that can purge. While you have two and happen to stack both said classes. Watch out my prot warrior might shield slam you every 7 seconds and take a random buff off. Lmao.


Most of your BGs consist of 1/3 priests, what’s the issue again?

Here you go buddy. You love making up numbers all the time don’t you?

0 reading and comprehension skills, Ballsthalor

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Oh, right, my mistake, you know, just a paladin pulling numbers out of the air.

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Most of Horde BGs consist of 2/3rds priest and shamans. But you want to be intentionally blind because its in your favor.