Why are Paladin so tilted 24/7 All they ever do is complain about shamans

Yeah that’s my point. There’s a lot of dispelling going on for both Alliance and Horde. So…thanks for agreeing with me?

you are REALLY bad at reading lmao

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You know theres double going on for horde though because you have a 2nd class that can do it? This is some low IQ stuff brother


He is intentionally being ignorant to troll.

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the scary thing is i dont think he is, and he gets a voice on a public forum.

And Ally has more defensive dispels to remove things like, oh, I don’t know, an ele shaman’s Flame Shock before the Lava Burst hits to cut the damage in half? Priest dots? Slows and fears and even some stuns?

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cant you just ground whole spells cutting damage to 0 though?

You don’t need to make a new thread everyday man. Legit go outside if you are bothered this much by the problems in your own head.


1 spell every 12 seconds in a meta where people die in a global.

Can’t Paladins just cut all damage to 0 for 12 seconds?

15 second cooldown, where are you getting 12 seconds?

5min cd > 15 second CD. Nerf paladins

oops i forgot lol.

15 seconds.

even further proving the point.

If you’ve ever played a single AB in your life, you would indeed call for paladin nerfs.

what alliance character do you BG with?

Yeah 12 sec immunity to try and heal people that die in a holy light cast or get a pittance of health from a flash of light and still fall over with BoS on them. On a nice long 5 min CD.

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better question for you btw.

diddnt you say you pvped on a shaman and a paladin?

when did i ever say either of these things? I said i pvp on both sides and can see strengths and weaknesses of both. Shamans just have the upper hand at the moment and its slowly ruining BGs. I dont want to be sitting in hour long queue times on my horde toon next phase.

Shaman busted 3 is out if you want to tune in. its a banger

That video is incorrect, shamans cant global!!! It takes 6.5 seconds of prep work just for them to start doing some damage to you according to Balthalor.

Skill issue, you should of pre bubbled the burst you knew that was coming. When your bubble ran out you should of run away for 5 mins for another bubble to come up. Rinse and repeat till the shaman leaves.