Why are other MMO's becoming an issue?

With 9.1 coming out its something I have been looking forward to since 2018 at the end of legion. Where we can play classes like they were intended to be made in Shadowlands. Most of my friends have jump ship along with other content creators to FF, and all they talk about is the Award winning expansion Heavensward. Like our base rallied for Hong Kong and the same people are joining this MMO going against everything we stood for. I just think Blizzard has kept pushing forward with positive changes and instead of giving them slack we should be supportive with them in creating a space way better then other MMOs.

This is a major concern which Blizzard should be worried about.

Word of mouth is always the most important thing which will lead into positive videos, hype and general worldwide interest for the game.

It’s what World of Warcraft was at one point.

Blizzard should be very very worried if they want to remain at the top.


Streamers make a living out of making everything sound like an issue. It’s a video game. People are allowed to switch between 2 video games when the other one is short of content. Or maybe even play both.



Cool. People should play what they like. I did not like that game as much as I expected to. Other video games do exist though.


I have no idea what your post is about.


So as far as generally accepted opinion is concerned. The last accepted expansion was Legion and the last awesome expansion was WOTLK and pretty much everything about this game is because of how good TBC and WOTLK were for expansions.

Ill agree CATA was good but carried negativity because they visually ruined nostalgic areas vs just reworking how you progressed…imo they should have only CATA’ed northrend or a new zone not the historic continents and CATA would be seen much more positive .

Anyway, this games has had too many negatively recieved expansion, with two back to back, which is a first for them. Both being as hated as WOD which i think mentally ruined the bliz team and put them on the course were still on today.

So before it was just one or two bad expansions but its still wow and everyone loves wow. Only now its not really wow its something else.

The memory of TBC-WOTLK fades and popularity declines without current blockbuster expansions.

Meanwhile FFXIV just had their first WOTLK and is making splashes with anticipation and positivty.

So yeah now id say blizzard should worry about other games. Before it didnt matter, now it does.


FF 14 is on sale on steam and there’s a free trial. You are going to hear more.

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Wait, do you think Square Enix is a Chinese company?
Cause I don’t see what a game made by a Japanese company has to do with Hong Kong…



You know this sounds really weird. Do people actually talk like this and I’m the weird one? :thinking: If I think something is really great that’s just what I’m going to tell you. And I’ll explain why as much as I can. To say “Hey Berserker, have you heard about the critically acclaimed new show on Netflix?” doesn’t sound normal to me :man_shrugging:

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it isn’t. this is just another ffxiv spam thread.

Blizzard did this to themselves. They are pounding their own nails in their coffin, one bad decision at a time. People are sick of not having their time respected. I am one of those people who will not be back for 9.1


Now now, you know you aren’t allowed to talk about that here.

Hey Berzerker, have you heard about the critically acclaimed new show on Netflix that’s actually worth watching and not garbage?


Me neither.

Whatever happened to kill Blizzard as we knew them and usher in whatever the heck this is carrying the Blizzard name happened sometime during the life cycle of MoP. The negative reception of WoD was a forgone conclusion

I hear this game has been dying since 2004.

If you played EQ or FF back then before WoW, even before launch I can remember my friends saying, it’s going to be a fad.

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I did play EQ, but Gates of Discord soured me. Content designed for level 70, but you can only reach 65, have fun!

Even if WoW had been a fad, I wouldn’t have gone back to EQ. There are things about that game I do miss though.

And they need to fix it with actions and better products. You can only PR a bad product to success for so long. And at this point the brand has taken so many hits, money spent on PR is wasted money.

I don’t miss either, and those guy who called it a fad are still playing WoW so many years later. :rofl:

They held out through the initial but getting flying here was a whole new ball game.

Nani? What does FFXIV have to do with Hong Kong?