"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

He only got the briefest mention in Legion, too.


And then Sylvanas shows up and just throws him around through trees with her fiat super-jailor powers like some DBZ filler episode without the build up or exposition a DBZ character has.

Superhero faction leaders is a stupid concept.

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It’s shocking that they can’t come up with anything more interesting than fists and swords for every fight scene.

It was particularly bizarre with Anduin. Who is a Priest. And I liked how in the cinematic he used Dome Of Light as man that’s helped me turn the tide in more PvP fights than I can count.

But in the game he takes apart a super tank with a sword. He jumps on the damn thing.

I know I’m bias but I think Priests have pretty cool powers. They manipulate the music of creation and deafening silence of entropy. They can save souls, enslave minds, engulf the wicked in holy fire and unleash waves of ravenous shadowy apparitions. Plus between Levitation and the angelic or raven wings they can sprout I’m very confident they could fly.

They got all that to work with, and they have him hit ish with a sword. A sword. A weapon Priests can’t use. We have maces.


The botched story about Night Elves is just a particularly common theme in the writing. They’ve made the Horde the protagonists of the story. They’ve used the Alliance as punching bags for character development for two warchiefs now.

I’m not bothered so much as being a punching bag to progress the Horde characters story provided it is a fully fleshed out story on both sides. But instead we get these constant lame “forgiveness” scenes where now fully two times the Alliance leaders lamely agree to a truce for no discernible reason.

Why would it ever be okay for a faction leader to just “forgive” someone for killing a ton of people? Why would the people in the world be fine with it and never act out or get a severe hatred for another race (like Garithos did) that might add an interesting element to the story?

The story is being written by marvel wanna-be writers that can’t write stories about worlds or high fantasy and have written WoW like a superhero movie. The people don’t matter, there is no world outside of a select few characters and if one of them says something everyone instantaneously agrees.


Fixed that for you.


worse, the villain protagonists

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If that’s what being the villain protagonist is like I would loved for the Alliance to have one. The closest we ever got was Tyrande and all she did was kill a writers self insert and vent at Sylvanis.

I’d pay money to have a new Garithos raze silvermoon or remake the scarlet crusade. Instead we are just side characters to the hordes show.


I’d be okay with that too. It would give Horde an actual reason to feel threatened by the Alliance beyond “They keep preventing us from killing them whenever we try to! So unfair!” and the Alliance would get to feel that they actually took the fight to the Horde instead of always being on the receiving end.
…or, it would. In a post-BFA world, the Horde would probably just stand there getting beaten saying “We deserve this.” And they would.


I think it could be a more interesting plot mechanic to justify the continued existence of the forsaken or the reason the blood elves are in the Horde. Now Mal’ganis is dead the possibilities are there. I am certain however that they wont take them, because they made the Alliance high king a Gary Stu and they don’t know how to write factions or worlds, just superhero characters.

At least Garrosh got a good ending.

I would be pretty upset if I were a nelf fan.

Hell, I am writing a comic about how bad all of this is. It’s ironic that saying “elune was right about night elves” could be used as an insult in-universe.

But some people in twitter take it to another level, saw people say that tirisfal get a datamined update was an insult to their fandom. It’s ok to be upset, but now it is just silly.


This really screams Anduin and Stormwind to you?

Gilneans ARE Humans… they were Humans in the RTS.

They are just Humans with a twist.


Oh, there are NE fans who are out of their minds. But I get their anger, I really do. But sometimes they lash out at the wrong people. There are people on both sides who do honestly care. I do think people are just tired of those who fake sympathy. I know I am :wolf:

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Fixed that for you. But I know you don’t actually care about the concerns of the worgen or NE community.


You don’t know a thing about what I care about… you just joined Etheah in the Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy Brigade and like them you’ve become incapable of simply disagreeing with anyone who doesn’t play the same marching song you do.

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Micah was referring to the quest’s storyline, not the snazzy clothes you’re rewarded with. It’s all about Tess Greymane wanting to become Daddy’s Little Puppy to help better be able to physically defend her kingdom and as a show of solidarity with her furrier subjects. She ends up deciding being a Worgen is just awful, and being a vanilla human is the besties already.


Ripping into your foes with teeth and claws doesn’t have universal appeal. Ask Bruce Banner sometime. Does make me want to get the move on with my worgen druid but I might create something new though.

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I don’t think there are sides at all, nobody celebrates when an specific part of the story gets ignored, or it’s quality ends up being subpar.

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yeah call me when they give birth to animal-people and not people-people.

Gilneans were introduced to the game to give werewolves to the Alliance, which was intended to introduce a bit of monster edge to their holy bland makeup.

Micah is entirely justified in resenting the game spending every ounce of effort running from that werewolf fantasy instead of leaning into it. Players didn’t roll Worgen because they wanted to be humans with a skin condition anymore than Forsaken players did. It is what distinguishes the race.

Based on the game’s trajectory, I don’t think the team really understands what appealed to people where any of the races are involved. We keep getting watered down progressions with modern sensibilities in a world where every passing year brings multiple existential crises.


She was advertised and sold a werewolf product.
She was delivered a werewolf product.
If she wants a permanent animal race, Vulpera and Tauren exist.