"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

I like how different all Alliance Leaders are. I enjoyed the aggresive side of Varian, I used to love being the cool big brother to Anduin back when he was a child and I had to take him out for a walk. I was always on Jaina’s side looking for ways to have factions work peacefully together and of course I’ve always been a defender of kaldorei lands. Each racial leader has every right to act and lead their nation in the way they deem fit. The problem is when Blizzard started crossing the line and starting imposing their ways over another nation’s affairs.

Look at how Varian rearranged the political system in Ironforge. I understand marching ready for war because Anduin was there but it is one thing to try to rescue a son and another to impose his ideas over someone else’s territory.

And just like that in so many other instances we had to endure having other nations’ sovereignty taken away for the sake of a centralized human story.


I know exactly what it means and he’s still a toxic man child.


Then please provide a reference where he was being toxic and behaved like a child.

Thank you.

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It’s not brought up because it hasn’t happened. Unless the new definition of conservative is bigoted hate speech and calls for insurrection.

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Being ignorant of it, doesn’t change the fact that it does happen. Go take your nonsense elsewhere

Having played the Horde side of BFA on multiple characters, I can definitely tell you that they had it worse in terms of forced and contrived storylines the biggest being the absolute meaningless choice of siding with Saurfang or Sylvannas. If you did one you got a toy if you did the other you get an epilogue scene at the end of the expansion story which was hardly a satisfying epilogue.

The idea of this game is that no matter which faction you are you’re playing the hero. I definitely got that with Drahliana and my other Alliance characters with a war of retribution as backdrop. With Horde side it’s just a bunch of duplicity and betrayal no matter which side you picked. It has you killing your fellow Horde “in order to keep up the pretense.” That’s a terrible place to be.


Genocide of a playable race will always top whatever perceived injustice horde players think they suffered




We must kill him for gnomekind’s honor brother.


You need to separate what happens with the background story from what happens to the players. What happened to the night elves as a race was terrible. What happened to Drahliana was that she developed as a character through loss and surviving that loss. No matter how terrible it was she at least got a heroic story out of it as did the other Alliance characters I played. There was nothing of a good story for Horde players that dfidn’t take away which should have been the satisfaction of winning the War of Thorns.

Most of the “fan base” has moved on. Many have realised that the game and story was impacted by the implosion going on in the Creative side of things.

For better or worse, BFA and Shadowlands are history, if you’e going to stick with the game, it’s time to focus on what Dragonflight offers.


Heroism? Where?


Most likely the same reason Movie Studios clamor for LGBT causes in the US then erase all traces of LGBT from their movies to get them allowed into other countries.


So, you don’t think there are players who love the kaldorei? You and other horde players just don’t want to accept that a PLAYABLE race and alliance PLAYERS had to witness a genocide first hand.

Like get over yourself alreadt


So did the Horde players who weren’t in on the conspiracy with the Jailor, which was pretty much everyone We were recruited into the war with the idea that the goal was to finally take down or at least get a victory on Malfurion. Just because someone was playing Horde doesn’t mean that they were all in on making a clambake out of Darnassus.

We lost a lot of pretty good RP areas in Tirisfal as well.

The only thing that Worgen lost in Teldrassil was the kennel the Night Elves grew for them. They didn’t even lose population They were evacuated safely.


We’re talking about the genocide of a playable race, called the Kaldorei. Try and stay on topic. And horde players still don’t have it worse and neither were alliance players made to feel heroic. That’s just nonsense you and other horde posters keep posting as if it’ll come true after the fact


The playable Night Elves didn’t all go pop! when Teldrassil burned. An again you used to be a reasonable poster until you hopped on the Etheah train. You can not argue that the experience of playing a Nigh Elf SURVIVOR or Alliance revenger on the warpath isn’t more heroic than the paths that the Horde players were shoehorned into playing. (Alliance players of course were just as shoehorned but their shoes felt a lot better.) I’m getting the sense that you didn’t play the full Horde story, or possibly didn’t play it at all.


Oh, I’m still reasonable poster. I’m just done dealing with unreasonable horde posters such as yourself. Darkshore was a joke if you actually bothered to play it. Tyrande and Malfurion got defeated by Sylvanas boy toy.

Nothing that happened to the kaldorei was resolved in any sort of reasonable manner. Arathi was more important than retaking Darkshore, etc.


You absolutely can. Nothing feels heroic about watching a majority of the civilian population you were trying to protect die because sylvanas really enjoyed the idea of genocide (that very same sylvanas many horde players sided with when given the option) in front of you and there is nothing you can do about it. Being on the “war path” where you accomplish nothing also doesn’t feel heroic. Watching the undead night elves get raised and fight with the horde to continue that genocide in 8.1 didn’t feel heroic either.

No, you can’t even argue anyone had it worth than the night elves and nothing about their story felt heroic, it was just more victimization of night elves as has happened since cataclysm.


I played it both sides when it was a thing. I was so angry when I didn’t get a mount Horde side until I realised that I had already gotten it from playing Alliance side.

Assuming you played it… you still TRIED as opposed to being one of the accomplices to the deed. Heroism isn’t about success, it’s about the effort. And again we don’t have the insight that wasn’t revealed until the bulk of 2 expacs later.