Why are Nerubians and Kobolds being rehabilitated in the lore?

How is that “by my own logic”?

I have long argued that the setting is historically, and should always exist in, shades of gray.

Hi, we’re both Death Knights.
We both punished Queen Alexstrazsa for denying our request to find a red dragon corpse by invading her whelp hatchery.
We both killed at minimum, some of her innocent whelp tenders and probably some of the whelps.

I absolutely killed all of them.

The Death Knight is an anti hero.


Anti-heroes are still generally meant to be good guys, and Blizzard making you do bad things occasiinslly doesn’t change the premise that you’re meant to be good as a whole.

You implied Loyalists were evil.

Illidan and his gang were the most notible anti heroes.


I said we don’t have to be the good guys all the time. You said that in WoW we are supposed to be. I said tell that to my Loyalist, implying that WoW often allows for nuance, especially where the forsaken are concerned. I’m sure the farmers near brill think I am a villain.

I can’t remember who said it, I think it was Benediktion. Paraphrasing the quote, “Death Knights are basically scourge remnants that fight mostly on our side and are allowed around because they are very useful and would be hard to take them down.”

I think thats a great definition. Anti-hero is a good place for DKs to be, helping out the war effort while not shying away from measures more morally crooked than my spine


Your character CAN and does do bad things regardless of what class or race they are…my point is… that doesm’t change the premise of the game. You are the champion of Azeroth.

Our characters have been mostly heroic since Vanilla. We have fought against bad guys, not even each other, for the majority of dungeons and Raids. Blizzard throws curveballs and makes you kill babies for no good reason, but the premise is still there.

As for DK’s killing Alexstrasza’s babies, not all DK’s are fans of this storyline. They didn’t even tell us what we needed the mount for lol. The rest of the Order Hall is fine imo. Wanting to raise Tirion was understandable.

the argents were being so uptight. we would have put him back once we were done with him, trust us… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of it or not.
Not everything we do in game is heroic.

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“Guys, our characters were never meant to be the good guys. The vast majority of the quests in-game are about murdering random creatures for no reason. Don’t you remember when we murdered poor innocent Arthas at the end of Wrath, simply because we wanted phat lewts?”

Literally a stepping stone to “Our characters were always terrible people. I can’t believe all those woke crybabies had that one Alexstrasza quest deleted from the game.”


Yeah I don’t get the cope, the early writers clearly just didn’t understand (or care) the implications of the genocidal nature and framing of most quest in classics. We were supposed to be the good guys for cleansing the land of undesirable races so the good races could make use the land. The taming of Durotar is so Israel/America coded. This is a pretty evergreen critique of race based fantasy.

You made the broad sweeping generalization that all PCs are heroic good guys.

Death Knights are not.

Cope and/or seethe.

I’m not sure if you’re agreeing with me or not, but yeah this is also a good point. There are a lot of quests where we do horrible things. However, even many of those aren’t considered bad by Blizzard. For example, the torture quest in Wrath was portrayed as a good thing. I read the forums as a kid back then, and saw people justify it. It annoyed me so much since I knew about torture during the War on Terror as an Arab kid.

My whole point is, the game portrays us as good, so we generally should act like it.

You ARE portrayed as a heroic good guy if you play a Death Knight, just like any other character. Every edgy Death Knight thing you do in Legion was supposedly for the greater good.

Even disregarding Legion, you’re STILL the hero of Azeroth like everyone else.

“just disregard the expansion that is intrinsically and explicitly about class fantasy.”

Lmao, Ion thought the War of Thorns was morally gray. But sure, Blizzard just wants our toons to be evil just because. /s


The biggest issue is that, since Blizzcon 2017, players believed they didn’t yet know the full story of The War of the Thorns and that has obviously led many to assume there was some kind of twist that would re-contextualize the events leading up to the burning of Teldrassil. During one developer Q&A, a player outright asked why the Horde was doing things that seemed pretty evil and expressed concern about the faction’s motivations. In response, game director Ion Hazzikostas said that Azeroth is “a world of grey, it’s never been a world of black and white” and explained that “there’s a lot of story to tell going forward.”

You mean the expansion where they hinted Bolvar was evil? How did that work out in Shadowlands? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Also you’re pretty correct. If you disregard that one expansion where you’re still portrayed as a good guy, you’re still portrayed as a good guy throughout the rest of the game.

Bolvar was the hive mind of the scourge.
Danuser decided it had literally no affect on him.

Bolvar isn’t even a death knight anymore. At the end of shadowlands, he has paladin spells.

But with everything danuser contradicted himself on in the same expansion, I’m not really sure it looks good to use it as a gotcha.


Blizzard has us do horrible things ingame, than insists we’re the good guys

Would be nice if blizz stopped pretending everything we do ingame is for the greater good when it clearly isn’t. I wouldn’t mind the game calling us out on ocassion for our pyschotic tendencies


Literally just your headcanon.

Not everything is a “gotcha.” You thought the Legion Order Hall was a gotcha.

Honestly, what horrible things have we done so far in this expansion?