Why are Nerubians and Kobolds being rehabilitated in the lore?

All that said, there is a special kind of feel to pulp adventure stories from the 50s. Exotic Savages worshipping their dinosaur god and sacrificing the beautiful film star whom they abducted from the crashed seaplane.

Super racist. Usually sexist. But so sexy and sensational. There’s a primal kind of oomph to those stories which makes a young boy want to start rolling his own cigarettes and shirt sleeves.

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You do realize that half the enemies you kill in this game, since vanilla, have come from fully sapient and 3-dimensional cultures, right?

The Alliance-Horde conflict has always been a senseless bloody race war. It’s even mentioned in-game.

“I see now why your Alliance and Horde cannot stop fighting. Every reprisal is itself an act of aggression, and every act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal.”

When you level a Horde character, you mow down hundreds (or thousands) of humans and elves and dwarves. The OP seems to believe the story would be better if the enemies we fought were all categorically evil cartoon villains and that dissent and opposing viewpoints shouldn’t exist in species with more than 2 legs.

The fact that this is a video game doesn’t mean that you’re the hero for murdering your enemies. Helldivers 2 is fun as hell because it embraces the nuance and satire. The setting is politically complex. You can choose to ignore it and play the game.

Here’s what I don’t understand.

Why shouldn’t nerubians and kobolds be allowed to have personalities beyond violence? Why shouldn’t a few of them agree with us? Why should they all be a brainless hivemind? How does that improve the story or the game?

You’re applying ‘nature’ in this case is as if it were no different than in the real world, and not possibly being Sentient Entropy, Rot/Corruption, Death, or Life to the extent that it needs to reproduce until it chokes and consumes everything except itself.

I am, because I am operating on a real world definition of what it means to be intelligent (self-awareness, and the ability to learn, understand, analyze, question, adapt, formulate, speak a complex language, etc). And I am operating on that definition because the game does too.

Quoting myself, but I’m not saying the natural, biological affinity to one force or another shouldn’t matter at all :

The closer you remain, both biologically and culturally, to the original matrix that birthed you (Entropy for instance), the more likely you are to remain a primal, carbon copy expression of your progenitors’ characteristics ; but the more you’re cut off from that original matrix, the more likely you are to stray from its model.
And I will say the game agrees with me here, since that’s why Nerubians and TWW Earthen are the way they are, while, say, Faceless Ones still behave as being of pure Entropy, because they kept serving the Old Gods uninterruptedly and their connection to the remnants of the Black Empire were never severed

So to put it simply, if you’re an intelligent being in Warcraft, nature is not irrelevant in the way you perceive and interact with the world, it’s just not an absolute


So then who the hell do you expect us to fight? If there are no truly evil races then what are we suppose to do in this game if everyone is just a misunderstood little fella who need a hug and milk bottle?

“Oh it’s okay wittle Mogu, we know that enslaving and experimenting on the other races on Pandaria only happened because you’re upset that your titan creators have disappeared. You just fill abandoned and need a big ol’ hug!” :smiley:

“Nice work on that tent made of human flesh gnoll buddy. Maybe next time use animal leather? It’s not nice to make stuff out of sentient people. A+ for effort though!” <3

It’s this modern obsession with finding humanity in everything out of fear of offending someone you don’t even know exist is sucking the fun out of fantasy. Not everything needs to be “morally gray”.

Not everything needs some kind of moral complexity. It takes the fun out of the setting and the game itself.

You’re supposed to not take it too seriously. You’re supposed to fight the other faction and anyone who might drop a quest item. Your character isn’t supposed to care about everything you care about. You might play a human who kills all orcs while you, as a player, understand that a generation of orcs were born in concentration camps and put in fighting pits which we don’t even accept for dogs IRL.

Don’t worry about it the things you kill are good or evil. We don’t have to be the good guys all the time.


I have no idea why you seem to believe we can only kill mobs if they’re rotten-to-the-core evil monsters. No one said that mob races being people with their own culture and their own agenda means we can’t fight them if they’re our enemies.

The Player Character isn’t supposed to be a hero to everyone in the Great Dark Beyond.


I feel like people don’t understand that they can have their character do or be whatever or whoever they want. For any number of reasons. Perhaps someone ‘s character likes to kill orcs just because they can, while someone else might want to play the hero and try to save everyone

Feels like some people often forget the RPG part of an MMO.


it’s funny cause people can’t just like… deal with the concept that one group can be jerks.
like kobolds raiding whatever means ALL kobolds must be evil raiders.

like no, dude, small groups exist that are jerks just like small groups of humans, or orcs, or nelves are jerks.

you aren’t wrong for killing jerks that are trying to kill you and your people in this game.

but you are wrong for wanting the entire race to be evil jerks.


I mean take a look at Nerubians and Mogu. Not all of them are evil. You kill the ones who are. Simple. Idk about some arguments here.

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No it explicitly happened because Lei Shen’s rule turned the Mogu into an incredibly imperialistic superpower

Wouldn’t have happened had the circumstances been different because the Mogu weren’t born douchebags, they became douchebags due to historical factors

Which really is the entire point we’re trynna get across so like I genuinely don’t know what the problem is here


I like to light RP my DK as a morbidly apathetic killing machine that only bothers to help with the war effort because
1- Gotta stave off that suffering thing
2- I still unlive on this planet, so might as well
3- Someone has to throw gallows humour around, given the blatant lack of undead representation in the main quest

Sentient or not, good or evil, developed or primitive, these axes are rated E for Everyone

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In Wow, you’re literally supposed to be.

Just because I can enjoy playing a full on evil, Sith Sorcerer who tortures prisoners with lightning in a video game… doesn’t mean I actually would enjoy it in real life. It does feel like there are a very small minority of gamers who struggle to separate reality from fantasy sometimes.

On topic - I don’t find this more… “humanizing”?.. of races like Kobolds, Knolls, and Nerubians all that bad. I think it makes for some more entertaining interactions between the Player and the world. Like, I just got to the point in the Main Campaign where I meet Widow Arak’nai and was all - “Oooh, who’s this Nerubian. She sounds neat.”


Tell that to my Loyalist.


The loyalist path wouldn’t have existed without the disastrous Burning of Teldrassil in the first place. The Burning does contradict the premise of you being good. Are you one of the few people who supports it as a plot point?

You can sympathise with your enemy and still understand that what they want and what you want aren’t compatible. Violence is sometimes necessary regardless

“I can only enjoy fantasy that lets me indulge in mindless genocide :nerd:” says the person who believes their opinion is of any worth.



By your own logic, all Horde playets are evil for participating in the Burning, and yes, they are. So sad.