Why are most people going to a PvP server? ⚔

and if you read through the posts, there’s just as many, if not more, pvers that do the same… just sayin’.


True, usually in response to someone claiming their superior just because they play on a pvp server or in some other way trying put down pve servers.

i’m just playing “devil’s advocate” here because even though i mostly pve here, i exclusively pvp’ed on Rift- which was all fine and dandy UNTIL those assclowns thought it wise to remove pvp gear, making pve gear BiS.

i ABSOLUTELY HATED raiding in Rift.

Is this the time to use the old phrase of “Two wrongs don’t make a right?” Why not respond with positive messages. Wish them well on their conquest or something. If they have the need to feel right, let them. It doesn’t hurt any, because it’s a pointless discussion anyway, yaknow?


yeah, lemme ridicule someone for saying immature things, and in the next sentence, reciprocate it!

makes perfect sense to me…

I don’t concede that PvP is criticized the most in this thread, unless one counts notions like “carebear” and “only real way to play” as insults and not criticism. That’s a stretch to me, so I’d instead say there’s plenty of criticism to go around.

As for why PvP gets criticized as much as it does, start with attitude. I started hearing “if you haven’t done it on a PvP server, then you haven’t done it at all” before I even knew what I was doing in MMORPGs, and judging from this thread that hasn’t changed much. It’s both fun and socially positive to take people down a peg when they project arrogance at your expense.

It’s also poor reasoning to make those claims. The No True Scotsman fallacy came up, oh, a few hundred comments ago. So did redefining words to suit one’s position. Some people on this thread might do well to type “what is griefing” and “what is bullying” into the search box, then accept the results.

Finally, the combination of digs like “carebear” and “snowflake” has an interesting result. One at this point is jeers at sympathy itself. Others naturally will be less sympathetic to you if you do that. It’s like the old joke that the best thing about anarchists is that it isn’t immoral to shoot them.

I would like to point out that there is some great advocacy for the fun of world PvP in this thread. Sometimes it’s surrounded by crap, but I appreciated it over the past few days. If I were going to advocate in favor, I like to think I would skip the No True Scotsman and redefinition, going on to say “we allow some forms of griefing here, to be handled by the player base, and it turns out this adds to the fun. (It even adds fun for the griefers!) If that sounds good to you, strap on some gear and get ready for a bloodbath. Azeroth needs heroes.”


Great thing about Classic - some of us can play PVP, some can play PVE.

The PVP group will snear at the PVE players and call them carebears. The PVE players can call us sociopaths.

Fine with me. Is it fine with you?

The nice thing is we don’t mix in game - unless they throw in CRBG.


People are confident and probably want to try wow how it should of been.

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+1 Agree. PvE server players are generally just nicer. It’s the whole attitude about PvP servers that give them this bad rep. If they didn’t have this “lulz” attitude, it would be a different story but sadly this is what it comes down to.


Nicer? Maybe to the other faction. But nothing quite like being home with the Horde on a PVP server.

Because watching alliance scum take my 5hit and not be able to kill them for it sucks… why would anyone play on a pve server…

In PvE you don’t interact with the other faction at all. Mind as well just have faction specific servers then. Sure I might get camped in STV and force to go some place less popular like The Hinterlands to level, but that’s not so bad. Every time I go out into the world to gather herbs or mine there’s an element of danger and randomness. Without that grinding for reputation would be mind numbingly boring.

Besides it all makes for some great stories. Like that time I was chase across half a content by a 60 warrior and ran to the entrance of AV for safety. I got to watch him die to guards just before he took my last sliver of HP, then I booked it to IF. lol.


…and there it is again, ladies and gentlemen. The pro-PvP post that ironically answers it’s own rhetoric.


The big obvious advantage to pve servers is that you don’t have to deal with a bunch of BG heroes in dungeons and raids who don’t know how to spec properly and can’t move out of a fire to save their lives.


You must be an alliance care bear

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Is that an alliance character I see playing as what would be an alliance only class in vanilla?

That picture changes everytime i log onto my phone. I’m only alliance for real life friends. That wont be happening in classic.

You guys must be trolling me now. You can’t be that unironically ironic.


Come on man. You get in a bunch over a horde player insulting and presumably fighting an alliance player over a resource node. That behavior is fundamental to WoW. Faction conflict is real in game and designed for it.

How could we not think you are a care bear?

Just how seriously do you take yourself? This is a game.

I wanted my reply to be just below, but the hand holders at Blizz now require 10 characters minimum, but here it is:
