Why are main story characters like 12ft tall?

I had to check the calendar to see if it was Sunday.

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Today, is in fact, Thursday.

But it could be a bronze dragon talking on the thread on Sunday

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So the old saying of, “It’s Sunday somewhere” rings true!

Thank you insightful dragon.

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large and in charge

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2 Reasons:

1 They are a boss and them being normal/small would make it immensely difficult to see them with 20+ people around them + animations.

2 They are an important NPC storywise and that is their way of showing that, it also helps when questing so people can click on them.

Pretty sure this is kinda what they mentioned before in a post but I cant find it now. Possibly was on the old forums

People who play Male Taurens have Main Character Syndrome confirmed.

its friday if you are somewhere else.

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I don’t see how this is a troll post, it does look absolutely ridiculous in game and has for years.

I recently went back and did some Wrath of the Lich King questing and Arthas was larger, yet reasonable sized. I think it’s a valid complaint and just writing people off as trolls isn’t really helpful to the conversation unless it’s an obvious troll.

because its a video game and they need to stand out so you can visually see their importance versus other npc’s that are not important at all.


I’ve always been curious about the chaos that would ensue if Blizzard made raid bosses the exact same size as the players

Imagine trying to find a blood elf size boss in a 25 man melee pile lol

squints who is this human wearing brown and bright yellow? Don’t you know it’s confusing to change gear on ones main forum poster for other poor forum goers? (kidding kidding)

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its in the wash.
they have nothin in green.
also hi nataniu

It’s not.

I genuinely don’t understand why most people don’t think it’s ridiculous to make them as big as they do.

No other MMO does this with their main story characters, unless they’re naturally just big characters in any circumstance. Nobody complains about accessability in those games.

I really wish this community would stop treating this game as if the majority of the players are over the age of 60.

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Where did this tangent even come from

Well they’re not actually a billion feet tall. They’re regularly sized in Warcraft universe, their giantness is just a gameplay mechanic for WoW

We must have different eyesight then because complaining about the height of a character in a fantasy made up world and pretending it has some kind of effect on gameplay seems pretty trollish. I could be wrong maybe someone is actually distraught by how ‘tacky’ their height is but I find that a bit of a stretch lol.

It seems like you already understand why, but yes it’s a bit jarring. I’d prefer important NPCs all having no mount features around them.

Yep, probably just a difference of opinion, but I find it tacky and unrealistic (yes you can have realism in a fantasy game lol).

 I guess I was wrong. In the endless piles of things that people might complain about in this game I would never, ever, have thought character height was one of them. Like ever. I’m not saying your wrong to feel that way I’m just really surprised you were being serious.

And let’s be real for a second. The only reason this change was ever made is because there are so many awful people that get their jollies off by covering up npc’s with giant mounts. Why aren’t you complaining about mount size? It was done out of necessity from the dumb dumbs that go out of there way to make other people’s gameplay more annoying.

But please use another word than tacky which is really not very relevant. People are tacky for wearing their hole filled dirty tweety bird tshirt to walmart. It’s tacky when your sister doesn’t attend your parent’s funeral
 being tall isn’t tacky. You might use, annoying or irritating or frustrating or any number of other words but something’s size doesn’t make it tacky and you’ve used a few times in this thread.

What does that have to do with anything? Wut?

In either case, troll or not, this is such a non issue I’m just going to wish you the best with this immersion breaking flaw and unfollow this thread lol.