Why are main story characters like 12ft tall?

Like I get that you want them to stand out a bit. But when I see characters like Jaina towering over some of the tallest races in the game, it just comes across as tacky and unnecessary.

Please make their heights appropriate to their race. Thanks.


Why? Wheaties.


godzilla could not exist with existing lizard biology, his bones would be crushed under his weight and his organs would explode

yao ming’s feet were ground to dust and he is only 7’6"

the ideal height for human beings is ~5’9" anyway and we stopped evolving millions of years ago… if you subscribe to an ideology based on evolving the human race you have been scammed

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I feel like no matter what I’m being scammed by this game.

I’m being scammed out of money. I’m being scammed out of appropriate heights for characters.

I really don’t know why I bother anymore.

Sorry kind of a weak troll… 2/10.


You answered your own question. It’s 100% gameplay.


boxing is a fun way for two people of similar heights and weights to fight without getting seriously hurt

but it in no way is like a real life and death struggle

A real fight to the death involves two people standing upright, taking a few swings/kicks, and then it goes to the ground within 30 seconds or a minute. Reach or whatever is meaningless and it is whoever is better conditioned, lucky, quick witted, and aggressive. Usually whoever chokes the other person to death wins. Two people standing upright and taking swings at each other in a life or death fight simply does not happen.

You don’t need to make Jaina tower over taurens to have them stand out. Just put an outline over the character so you can clearly tell who you’re looking at/talking to.

It’s not that hard to make gameplay decisions like this without unnecessarily breaking immersion in the most tacky way possible.


i see people saying “weight+distance=force” or whatever to say that lifting numbers are different for people of differening heights or throwing things or whatever is about “leverage”

the human muscular chain is not a simple physics problem and there is an incredibly amount of complexity involved to determine the amount of force that can be applied by a person

reddit is what happens when you take physics 101, declare yourself Einstein, and then enact a reign of terror over the internet based on literally a half baked understanding of science

My mom graduated in the top 5% of her class, went to Brown, and then failed physics. I’m well versed with people that are good at a lot of things, but don’t understand basic physics.

I’m glad you agree.

so yes the characters are 12 feet tall because they look cool

for the same reason fashion models are all 5’11" or taller, but their pimps are short people like anna wintour or ralph lauren

Or maybe they just use a lot of

/moo :cow:

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the average height of people in the past was the same as it is now, “better nutrition” is not allowing people to grow taller

or if for some reason they are taller (and I doubt the numbers) it is not because of “better nutrition”

michael jordan grew like 6 inches in a year during high school because he was so psychotic about getting good at basketball

When you watch the game cutscenes and cinematics, the characters are of appropriate height for their race. But when you walk around and talk to them in the game world they suddenly grow 6ft.

Why can’t it just be consistent?

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Look at Egyptians carvings and you see that important beings are always taller.

But i do kind of agree with OP.

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Yes in a game about dragons that magically transform into people and gnomes riding mounts fifty times bigger than themselves how dare Jaina be so tacky…

The devs just got such a kick out of the dumb crap people whine about. I can’t even play the game. The characters… Are… Just. Too. Tall.

this is true, but please just let it stop there and don’t be one of those weird heightest people with a foot fetish

They can make the characters as tall as they want. The point I’m making here is that it’s not consistent.

there is only one thing on the male human body that functions better the larger it is and it is not height and ill just leave it at that, but there is a limit to how big it can grow that is closer to the average than most people would think

so actually from that perspective its really kind of weird that the powerful characters are all 12 feet tall

Oh so you just want all of the characters to be 12 feet tall. Gotcha. Gonna make for some interesting dwarves.