Why are Maiev eyes green?

They are green in her helmet, they are green in wc3 and reforged where it’s not just helmet but you can clearly see her face, they’re green on art.

They’re not green in legion without armor, but that’s probably because they didn’t bothered to make her unique model.

Is it because she stared at fel infused illidan for 10k years and got slightly corrupted?


Hmm well fel is like radiation so you might be right.

Shes WoWs biggest hypocrite thats why.

Sira is way cooler then Maeiv because shes Undead.

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Green glow doesn’t necessarily mean Fel Magic.

Think of Cenarius, or the Jade Serpent.

Also keep in mind that Reforged is all wrong, with Succubi with Dreadlord wings, Harpies with five fingers and a backtoe and Trolls without a backtoe.

We’ve seen Maiev without armor in Legion and her eyes were normal.


they are green in normal warcraft 3 too.

Normal Warcraft 3 is also all wrong.

Dreadlords had tails lol


You also forgot that the Gyrocopters are now completely jet powered.

That’s a lesser evil.

Technology can and does change often.

Anatomy, though? That’s a bit harder to swallow.

Are you telling me all Trolls grew a toe on the back of their feet in the four years between wc3 and wow, Blizzard? Lol


She is green with envy.


Oh, I know (and agree). But while we’re listing WC3 Refunded discrepancies, might as well dive deep, yeah?

Her eyes are green because it looks rad. That’s about it.

Staring that long would make you fall for that person

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In reforged Lady Vashj has human ears… That’s pretty weird

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Maybe it’s just the helm that makes it look like she has green eyes?

in original wc3 her helmet isn’t full and there’s no lenses, just green eyes, so as in reforged

Maiev probably edged illidan with some cbt stuff while illi was imprisoned and thus got tainted by some of the fel spooge oozing out of illi and and… [insert terrible fanfic that could compete with Xera’s fanfic storyline in legion]

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And Dreadlords had a tail.

A lot of WC3 was retconned.

This is Maiev without armor.

Jealousy? Green with envy?

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They are 100% contacts.

Because she fel in love

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