Why are Maiev eyes green?

she looks like this for a like a five seconds, no wonder they used default nelf model

In the case of Maiev, the green glow is not caused by fel radiation but rather by the intense feelings of jealousy towards Tyrande for usurping her as High Priestess and also for commanding all of Illidan’s romantic interests.

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Because Blizzard is wildly inconsistent.

The easiest answer is that her helmet gives her green eyes as an illusion, but under the helmet she has Silver eyes like most female knight elves.

Alternatively, if she does have green eyes. It’s probably just because she was decided to have green eyes before Blizzard decided on consistent Eye colors. Much like the Protoss back in Star Craft: Brood War.

This is true in some ways, but not because of the green eyes thing.
Interestingly, Maiev is super aggressive against Arcane Magic users, believing them to be just as bad as people who conspire with demons.

But, Maiev also constantly uses the powers of Elune, who is a notable source of Arcane power, since Elune clearly has ties to the Titans. That was always my Theory on why Maiev’s hair turned White, despite it originally being Purple. (Since overuse of Arcane magic will whiten your hair.)

Back in WC3 Malfurion and Tyrande’s hair was green. They just didn’t know exactly why some things were as they were. That’s okay.

Every reforged naga looks awful.

snake dude-bros are fine