Why are Legion glads so cocky?

They look down on bfa glads, even mop wod cata glads, you’d be surprised, they treat them like second class citizens.

They usually afk in stormwind/org showing off their 1500 cut off glad mount.

They talk soo much crap about how bad you are at PvP, more so than any other glads/r1s out there!

They tend to stick together with other legion glads and talk about how superior legion was compared to other expacs.

Whenever they enter bgs, the legion glads are the ones always trying to get the most kills instead doing objectives.

They always tend to brag about how good they are at this game or how good their dps is. Also I notice that most legion glads are dps they never go healer! They’re always trying to carry someone then brag about it.

Why legion?? Why do they bring the worse type of people? What makes you better than someone who got glad in mop, wod, cata or even bfa? What makes you sooo special?? I don’t understand. It’s always legion glads who act like this.

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So the problem here is you’re identifying them as Legion Gladiators as though that’s what makes them degenerates, when they were that before they earned their mount. The achievement doesn’t just suddenly make you into an insufferable human.

And there’s plenty of good people who got titles. Lets try and not paint all of them together.


This is all nonsense.

You might get more bites with this troll post in general or bg forums

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Legion glad is absolutely worth more than bfa glad. Even legion duelist is worth more than bfa glad. Legion rank 1 and bfa rank 1 are worth about the same though.


Edit: Actually I can agree that Gladiator and the other titles are overall easier to obtain in BfA, I was actually more thinking about r1 titles in my original post

lol when legion seasons were 2.4 that means the season wasnt inflated and you had to fight and beat rank 1 players to get your glad. With bfa inflation every single season if you just wait untill the end of the season you fight literal monkeys to get your glad. It’s a massive difference. Its not about the number of the rating it’s about what players you are fighting and when glad was a % you always fought top players for your glad push.


I agree…

Glad has became much easier since they changed it from % based to a fixed rating + 50 wins. For sure is not harder to get than any previous expansion.

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How wouldn’t legion/wod titles be worth more than BFA titles, it’s legit 2400 + 50 wins for BFA glads.


Idk why they wouldn’t have just left glad and R1 as % based. Elite is a terrific title for 2.4 and is a stopgap with the tabard. :man_shrugging:


Fixed it for you.


Base Gladiator hasn’t meant anything since MoP maybe WoD, but even that’s kinda pushing it. I agree glad was more “difficult” I guess to achieve then BFA due to it still being a % based cutoff. However once again Glad hasn’t really meant anything since MoP because the game has gotten easier and easier every expansion since then due to pruning. Also the guy who said Legion r1 is the same as BFA r1 is trollin hard. BFA R1 is a huge meme and laughable, thought everyone agreed on that…

2400 cr in BFA = 1600 cr in Legion = 1400 cr in WoD

You’re delusional if you think BFA glad is the same as % based titles from Legion. S1 BFA was 6% of the ladder…starting to edge close to Rival (10%) status. Also why are you hiding behind a lvl 10 alt with achieves hidden?

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He’s not hiding, he’s an EU player:


He just likes to come on the NA forums as well.

Once again, my life has purpose.

Legion Duelist.


i really don’t think bfa was that much easier

the exclusivity that made glad rarer between s14 and s26(dread) always struck me as kind of artificial. imo there’s a LOT of overlap between the people looked down on for just scraping 2400 glad in bfa and the people who played all season in legion+played during the final week-that was huge. people who weren’t any better than the duelists they fought all season got glad only cuz they played scads during the final week when inflation really went exponential

no flame on either group, to be clear, just don’t think there’s much justifying elitism. if you were a decent player who belonged between 2.4 and 2.7 in a normal length season but couldn’t play during the final week, you probably missed glad for no reason related to skill lots of times before bfa.


Because they did this to the title.

I laughed when you made no sense calling my mount a “1500 drake” it was more like a “2780 drake” on alliance if I remember.

Wanna know what does make sense tho?

Your “handout participation award bfa drake that you barely scraped by to get a few weeks before bfa season ended that lasted 10 months”

That’s why us legion glads look down on you rat bfa glads. We’ve played w you guys, we face you, we laugh. We laugh at how anyone could be so delusional Think bfa rating bracket requires you to do anything really skillful to win the game. You have haste Amps and gushing to assist ur badness.

Y’all sit there on ur bfa mount in durotar acting like it’s some prized possession of dedicTion, willpower, and time. Well yeah it is. It’s dedication to que for 10 months and having the willpower to never try to improve and then the time to que 3000 games to scrape ur bfa glad lol., so we legion glads, who just get better and better every season, pull out our 10x better mounts pull up next to you and just laugh.


Savage bro. You’re not wrong though.

Any % based title means more than achieve X rating title. I’m not sure how this is even a thing people are debating.