Why are Legendaries so expensive?

Supply and Demand. Period.

Wait a few more weeks and the prices will go down, like they did in season 1.

Then don’t get it? Idk why you are upset if it’s not worth it. If you are just upgrading from 235 of the same legendary, the gain is very very minimal. It can wait.

How is this a Blizzard issue? Prices of legendaries are set by the community. You even thinking this is Blizzards fault is hilarious.

It’s blizzards bad system that you need to make 15x rank1,2,3 to get to rank 4. Also all the vendor mats that have a high cost really add up when you need to make 45 items to get to rank 4 that have no resale value.

Why not use your professions to make your own?

Probably due to the time involved right? Why is your time more important than that of any other player?

They don’t set the price though, is what is being misunderstood. I agree that leveling up crafting is annoying, but Blizzard doesn’t have any control over the AH/Going rate. It is supply and demand. If you want something new and shiny, there’s going to be a premium price. You can also wait for demand to drop. The gains are super minimal.

Agreed but blizzard’s systems greatly impact the price. For example the price would be much lower if there were no vendor mats and there weren’t ranks of the legendary base pieces.

The vendor mat prices are insignificant. You also have to remember that you get like 10k free gold for doing the covenant dailies and missions per day.

If it’s too much gold for you just wait a few weeks. The prices will inevitabley go down, they dropped drastically in season 1. I remember paying over 150k for my very first rank 4 leggo on my main, but on alts later in the season I could get one for less than 30k.

Unless you are a mythic raider, or trying to push like +20 keys, getting the extra secondary stats right now won’t be make or break. The vast majority of the leggo power comes from the effect itself anyway, the higher ilvl stats is just gravy.

So that people will buy WoW tokens. That is the short answer. The system of crafting them is designed in this way.

“Need” nope

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It’s definitely not the WORST system, it is FAR better than legion because until the end of legion that really was just an insane lottery machine for weather you’d get legendries or not.

That said, they could’ve done a lot better. Make soul ash/cinders come from all end game content (why tie it to torghast) and just make it so you have to buy ONE base item not one for each bloody rank. Please Blizz lol I want to actually upgrade my legendries.

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Tip. Spend 5 minutes asking a guildie, or someone in trade chat, to craft it for you with you providing the mats. You will literally cut the costs in half, at minimum.

or maybe allow to get mats back if we could scrap them? i have a few a couple of leggos doing nothing in my bank

The rank 6 base items aren’t cheap to make.

BC wow is becoming pay to win, I miss the days when Legendaries where legendaries as in drops.

Is it buying when blizz takes it all back in 6 months anyway…They jus let you borrow items.

the cost is because of the demand right now. that and the mats to make the lego base items are stupid expensive. you spend thousands in vendor materials alone to make one, let alone the materials you actually have to farm for.